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Dayton: Any riding on Saturday the 17th?


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Doh! People are scared to touch the Aprilia which means I can't get a tire till Saturday and will just be tooling around on backroads by the afternoon, so I may be staying in Dayton afterall. :lol:

Most of you have my number anyways. Text or call, doesn't matter.

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I always have a pair waiting to be put on. You should start doing that Don. Then set a weekday time to get them mounted next time. :D

I have had this tire at the house for a while. But bike location = Dayton and Don location = Flint. Failboat. So I called up a few dealers to see if they would remove the wheel, mount a tire, and remount the wheel since I'm not there and don't have the time. Nobody will touch it. Even told the Honda dealer it's the exact same service procedure as an RC51. No dice. Nearest Aprilia dealer is Cbus, which I'm not gonna make my Dad ride all the way there.

So I'll wait till I get home and ride it up to Dustin and have him take care of my new tire issue. Supporting the little guys FTW.

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Dustin is who mounted and balanced mine a few weeks ago. I support him too. :D:cheers

Why don't you just take the wheels off and take them in the car?

No front stand. No ceiling rafters in the garage to hang bike from. I need to stop being a brokedick and just buy a front stand but college pwns me.

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