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blessing of the bikes?!?!


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just wondering if anyone has went in past yrs or is going to be there on may 2nd im riding down to lima with my dad and his buddies to blessing of the bikes..not sure on what all it is but he said ride and i'm there ha anyone have any input on this event or anything about it

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Have not been before.... May not be a bad idear

Do they publish their accident/incident rate yearly, so I can evaluate my attendance beforehand?? :D

I've got layers of protection on 'Birdy.... Gremlin bell, guardian angel pin, Grandma's funeral card ;)

I'll take all the layers I can get

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explain further - my only experience with this is from posts on the NESBA board for an event by the same name, but at an orphanage in IL.

There are usually 200+ cruisers, and maybe 5 or 6 sportbikes.

Last year they had LINES of kids waiting to get their pictures taken on the race bikes while the cruiser guys polished their chrome:rolleyes:

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no prob man its in lima at a church and from what ive been told its 500+ bikes of all kinda for a service and then blessing of the bikes...i just figured it would be a good time for a bunch of us to meet up and get the season started off right ha

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It's not really a blessing of the bikes but more of a blessing of the riders. It'd be a waste of time to pray for a blessing on an object with no soul. That's like picking up a rock and having it blessed. Just doesn't make sense

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I'm not Catholic so I don't do it. They do it here in Dayton too. I don't believe in that stuff. Nobody is watching over you while you ride but yourself. A Harley guy here at my work laughed because he said it didn't save him last year when an old man pulled in front of him and put him down for 5 months. He has the bell on his bike too. It's all just superstition that gives people false hope.;)

Edited by NinjaNick
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I considered trucking my bike up to Chicago for the one at Mooseheart Orphanage just because the kids seem to think it's so cool. How often do orphans have a really great day?

I could give a shit about having my bike 'blessed.' I wouldn't call myself an atheist, but I don't think you need to get 500 bikes together and have a priest present to get god's attention.

assuming my overly ambitious plan comes to fruition, I'll trailer the RR to Illinois on friday night, and crash at some place TBD. Then roll into the orphanage by 9 AM. hang out and let kids play on my bike til noon. then roll back to one of the NESBA CR's house for BBQ before getting my sweet ass to Gingerman for the trackday meet up.

blessing of the bikes or not, doing something nice for orphans the day before hurtling myself around a race track is probably good karma :D

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haha im not into the whole praying thing myself but its something different to try...thats all i agree you cant be saved by someone blessing your bike for a riding season and fate falls into your hands alot.it was just a thought of something new to try

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I'm not Catholic so I don't do it. They do it here in Dayton too. I don't believe in that stuff. Nobody is watching over you while you ride but yourself. A Harley guy here at my work laughed because he said it didn't save him last year when an old man pulled in front of him and put him down for 5 months. He has the bell on his bike too. It's all just supersticion that gives people false hope.;)

Orrrrr..... Perrrrrhaps your friend at work would've not made it home at all without it

Must'a been a pretttty serious accident if he was laid up for 5 months.... Maybe could'a gone either way


And yeah..... I'm a bit superstitious.... Probably comes from the Native American blood in me ;)

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I've never been one to be superstitious.

Dude.... I just had a black cat around 'Birdy in the garage tonight :eek:

I'm seriously thinkin' I gotta sell her now :nono:

i put a traffic ninja on my bike. it cuts bitches up if they try to run me over.

like here, for instance:


Me wants one.... Where can I get a traffic ninja Jinu?? ninja.gif

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Dude.... I just had a black cat around 'Birdy in the garage tonight :eek:

I'm seriously thinkin' I gotta sell her now :nono:

Me wants one.... Where can I get a traffic ninja Jinu?? ninja.gif

you have to prove yourself against these guys:


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