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Ride Report/Pics from Rt313 on 4/11/10


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Better late then never! Just got around to downloading the couple pics

I took and editing a little section of video.

Date: 4/11/10

Riders: SWing'R, CMooseGo and Strictly Streets

Planned route: A loop of Seneca Lake on Rt 313

Heres a pic of the planned route, as you probably already know Moose went down on this ride, the "X"

shows the approximate location he went down so thats as far as we got on this route. Would like to go

back sometime this season and finish the loop as I liked 313 alot.

The first section of 313 was pretty shitty, from 146 to probably 83, but still kinda scenic. The road was much better around

Seneca Lake but because its a tourist area there were lots of slow cars and trucks pullin boats and stuff, nice scenery though and lots of tight curves around the lake.


Heres a few minutes of video from the ride, the portion of this video is Rt 313 around the North/East

side of Seneca Lake...













Edited by SWing'R
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Sorry to hear about the drop bro, Do katanas have that big of an issue while turning? Or was it another reason?

Lets not turn this thread into another Katana thread, it happened, it was thoroughly discussed here... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=56835

In short, the cause of this accident was target fixation/gravel.

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Those are all new roads to me. Or it's been a long time since I've been out there. I'll have to try this sometime.

The idea for this ride came about by me stumbling onto Rt313 by accident while at work... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=56542

I'd like to go back and finish the route sometime.

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sorry to hear you went down!! wish you a speedy recovery and a quick fix on the bike so you can get back out on 2 wheels!!!

Just wondering what the round trip miles was on your map.... ??


Wasn't me that went down, it was Moose. I never did figure out the mileage exactly.

I've never been one to plan a ride based on mileage or even worry about it, I just pick a destination and plan a route there and back.

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