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What kind of gun??


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  tbmustanggsxr said:
man you should got the judge its a 410 hand gun so you have it all in 1 a shotgun but yey a hand gun for safety hell if some1

brakes in you cant miss lol:cheers:hope this helps

awful idea.

  hollywood3586 said:
it does thanks

don't kid yourself; it doesn't. The judge is a gimmicky piece of shit... and this is coming from a guy with a Taurus.

.410 is awful and there's no spread. You can definitely miss and you're not guaranteed to do all that much damage if you're using anything beneath slugs.

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I agree with most of whats been said. +1 on the good light. I have a full size 9mm with a light on it for the house. Also agree with getting the right ammo. I have different rounds for my carry gun and house gun. I dont want rounds going thru drywall and into the next room or out of my house. And the best advice I heard is practice, practice then do it some more. Go to a local range and try some guns see what fits your hand best then rent them shoot a box of 50 for each one to get a good idea if it works for you. Shot guns work good but my hallway is to small for the shotgun I have so it is of no use to me for home defense. I have four kids and they all know about gun safety. my 9 year old shoots with me pretty often. I also have more then one gun safe in my house as said above.

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  tbmustanggsxr said:
man you should got the judge its a 410 hand gun so you have it all in 1 a shotgun but yey a hand gun for safety hell if some1 brakes in you cant miss lol:cheers:hope this helps

Squirrel/rabbit hunting would be so fun with this!

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  ReconRat said:
Good God Sir, did you have to quote the entire thing, lol.

blah blah blah try them first blah blah blah lol

OK I'm not gonna lie that kind of scared me a little bit... when i read this and you where talking about slugs going through walls and down the street for some reason i thought about Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The movie with brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. I love my neighbors to death and it would kill me if something like a stray bullet went into there house. But at the same time i have to protect my own. I mean i do live in Akron (north hill) to be exact. So i feel the need for SOMETHING. But thanks Reconrat you put a lot into perspective for me. I know there is a lot to think about so i think ill be at the range today. :D

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a shotgun is great for home defiance. Exp. if in a Apt. or condo were you have close neighbors. Something people forget is your responsible for every round you fire and even a 9mm can go throu a wall and kill a neighbor or even a loved one in the house.

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This topic is a big can of worms for sure. So many choices and so many things to consider. I will however tell you what my wife went through to settle on her final "home defense" gun.

Of all the things in her personal collection she finally settled on the XD9 Sub-compact. Things she wanted were as follows...



Night Sights

Certainly there is some over-penetration issues with the velocity of the 9mm cartridge but for home defense she uses Hornady Critical Defense ammunition in order to acheive both proper stopping power and also avoid over-penetration.

Here's a link where you can see the model XD she went with.


Good luck and if you can, try to source a range where you can actually try some different guns out so you can find what works best for you. You want to be be damn sure you have the right tool when needed...especially if your life or a loved ones life depends on it.

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When my wife went to look for a gun she looked at 25 models I would guess. Based on what felt best in her hand and she could work the action on with out problems. She ended up with a springfield xd9 service model. She liked it best and so did I so I was happy to get it. I shoot it all the time now and she has yet to get out to the range yet with it. LOL!

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I disagree...with the right ammo and shot placement, your just as "in business" as you are with a .40 or a .45 acp. Especially if you are proficient with your weapon of choice. To each his own...but I REALLY like the performance of the 9mm cartridge. ;)

  that dude said:
9mm isnt a great protection piece. go .45 or .357. .44 or the riot gun
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.357 revolver, unless you're proficient with semi-autos or have intentions on learning how to be.

Get some training, that's more important than having the gun. Just having it won't make you good at home defense any more than having a guitar will make you a musician. Takes training to learn what stupid things NOT to do when it matters.

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Went to a outdoor range today with Scottb. I can say after seeing what a 9mm 142gr fmj will do to a bolwing pin at 25 ft I would not want to get hit with one. It almost went thru a bowling pin and blew a pretty good hole into it. I think a hp would do fine hitting flesh.

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I personally carry a full size glock 21 .45 ACP with 185 Grain hollow points in it. One of the really nice things about the .45 ACP is it is already a sub-sonic bullet and has a large mass. I go with the smaller 185 Grain because I live in an apartment and I don't want the bullets going through the walls. I will warn you, that 9mm is notorious for going through walls and also for ricocheting. I helped get guns for both my parents and they decided against the 9mm after watching videos of even the 9mm hollow points going through two sets of walls. Although the 9mm has a huge amount of different types of ammo and you can find ones that won't. When I was helping my mom pick out a gun, she tried tons of different ones before settling on .357 magnum revolver. She often loads it with low grain .38 special hollow points. Most experts recommend heavy revolvers for women because the extra weight forces you to engage your upper arm muscles rather than controlling it with your wrists, this is especially important in self-defense situations where there will be high amounts of adrenaline coursing through your body which can cause your hands to shake. Furthermore, revolvers just plain work, they aren't complicated you put the bullets in and pull the trigger and it shoots, no extra buttons or having to worry about racking the slide. So although I am in no way an expert, I would agree with the experts that you should get full size revolver. My girlfriend's mother has a full size ruger security 6 in .357 magnum and she loves it. I have shot it before and it really has a great weight to it. All in all make sure you get something that won't pierce walls (low grain, hollow point ammo), will stop the attacker in his tracks (not a .22), and something that you like and will be comfortable with to practice regularly. I hope that helps and if you need any help or want to try any of the tons of guns I have let me know :)

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