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I am not happy. Not at all.


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While a persons word may be contract, I have had buyers do the "Ill take it" and I turn down other buyers that had cash in hand waiting for the "Ill take it seller", which actually happend to me on here with my cbr. I turned away 3-4 people with cash in hand becuase I had a member say they wanted it. I thought id love to have it go to someone on OR and that member fell through. Next person with cash, it was gone gone gone.

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I almost had this happen. I got a line on a super smoking deal on a Honda RR but the guy was busy over the weekend so I had to meet him monday morning. I stole this thing for only $500 over what he owed. What a deal. Luckily I got there before anyone else.

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Now you have more bikes to look at. You still have a pile of cash to spend on the bike, just not the one you wanted.

Have you looked at other 600cc bikes? Stuck on the Hondas? Lots of options and lots of bikes out there. Asking prices don't mean anything with the way the economy is.

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Yeah, I'm not stuck on Honda. My new cruiser is a Yamaha, I've owned Suzukis before, so I'm open. I think I'll take this week and formulate a plan and just go from there. I know some places in Michigan used to advertise crazy prices on bikes, so I'll maybe look into that. I've got a trip to Michigan planned for the beginning of June for my cousins high school graduation. I'm sure I'll find something, I just wish this would have gone the way I'd wanted. Like has been said, it's not like I don't have the money from selling my cbr, so it's nothing major.

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So, some of y'all know that I had been looking at, and finally did buy a cruiser to go along with my '04 cbr. Well, what I hadn't been mentioning was that I'd also found a new replacement for my cbr. '08 CBR 600rr with under 500 miles. The guy had hit hard times, and was willing to just sell it for his payoff, just to get out from under the payment as quickly as possible.

So I talked to the guy, got the details, and was to go up Monday evening to get it. In the meantime, I sold my cbr. (for more than I was gonna be getting the new one for) The kid and his dad picked it up this morning at 8:00am. This morning, at 9:30, guy texts me and says he sold it for $500 over asking price. I didn't say I'd come look. I said "I'll take it. When's a good time for me to come up and get it?" He says "I'm busy this weekend, can ya come up Monday evening sometime?" I said "Yup, I'll be there as early as will work for you, with the cash."

I know there wasn't a signed contract, but dammit, that just seems like a dirty thing to do.

So now I've got a new cruiser, which isn't even home yet, no sport bike, and a pile of money I don't know what to do with. My garage looks empty, and I'm not happy.

So, what's the suggested way of taking my sads, and getting something useful out of it? :burnout:

LOL! I thought you fell in love with that '04 CBR?

-- I was in a simular situation when I tryed to buy a used car. I test drove the thing and came back and told the owner "I'll take it." I didnt have the cash on me but wanted to go to my bank about 20 minutes away. There were some other people there that had the "cash in fist" and wanted to buy the car too. The owner wouldnt let me go to my bank and get the money. He took the cash in fist. Bastard ! I was there first!

Edited by mello dude
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LOL! I thought you fell in love with that '04 CBR?

-- I was in a simular situation when I tryed to buy a used car. I test drove the thing and came back and told the owner "I'll take it." I didnt have the cash on me but wanted to go to my bank about 20 minutes away. There were some other people there that had the "cash in fist" and wanted to buy the car too. The owner wouldnt let me go to my bank and get the money. He took the cash in fist. Bastard ! I was there first!

I did love the '04. Figured I'd love an '08 just as much, probably more. In hindsight, I should have waited until AFTER I bought the '08 to sell the '04, bu it seemed pretty clear that I'd get it.

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