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Greek debt crisis offers preview of what awaits U.S.


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The main problem is Americans are pussies and wont rally like they did in Greece. We have become a society of fear. We shouldn't fear the government they should fear us, and that's whats wrong with our society.

Ohh by the way the Greece bail out is partially funded by the US....

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But the U.S. debt is rising fast, and its true size is masked by the surplus run by the Social Security trust fund. Factoring that in, the total national debt is about $13 trillion, or 90% of the economy. Including unfunded liabilities for such programs as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the federal government is looking at a long-term shortfall of about $62 trillion, or about $200,000 for every American, according to thePeter G. Peterson Foundation, a group devoted to promoting awareness about public borrowing.

This was covered in that movie "I.O.U.S.A" a couple years ago, by David Walker, former Comptroller General of the U.S. He resigned his White House position to join the Peter Peterson Foundation so he could start spreading the word about how much trouble our country's in

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Hmmm........ It seems socialism is failing worldwide. Why cant we all spend more than we have forever and ever??????????? I'm so sad............. irresponsibility is so much fun.

Greek average retirement age is 51......... I want some of that! funded by someone else I dont know or care about........... I just wanna live in my own little world on somebody else's money!!!!!!!! Whats so wrong with that?????

Caution..........extreme sarcasm used in above post!

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Forget Greece... look at what happens when someone makes 1 typo......

That's what happens when somebody accidentally hits the "melt-down" key.

Dammit, I've always said there shouldn't be a "melt-down" or a "nuke-em" key on the keyboard...

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As I've said before, stock up food, water, cash and ammo. You never know.

The US dollar won't mean anything before long. we'll be back to bartering or using gold/silver. You need to have TEOTWAWKI kit and plan set up. :D

only thing your cash would be good foor is keeping the fire going to keep the wolves at bay.


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