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UPDATED: Dayton May 30th ride meeting spot!


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Just food for thought. In our riding group in Germany we used to split up the sportbikes and the cruisers and we had no more than about 12 bikes in a group. That was done for safety reasons, to be able to stay together (traffic lights, intersections) and obviously different riding styles/speeds etc. Usually we would have roadcaptains for each group and they would lead the way. There was a meeting spot we agreed on where we would all meet up again.

Just my 2 cents for a group ride. :)

Really looking forward to the ride btw.

Went for a few hours last night and I thought I would die of a heatstroke...that's what you get for wearing ATGATT! :-) Had fun nonetheless! :D

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I guess we better put the route in the GPS because with all the flippin traffic lights this country has, we'll get split up more than once....:rolleyes:

What time are we meeting again?

If you can't remember the time, you can click the first page and read it again. :p:lol:

I will post a map soon this morning. I'm about to go to google and make one for you guys. We all don't ride together as a group all the time Fazerlady and we don't have time in our lives for others to go out to study routes so they can lead others. :p;) I just created a thread to see if people want to get together for a ride. This ride is all country and maybe 1 stop light in the whole 3 or more hours. Stop signs mostly. We've done this about 4x in the past 3 years and no problems at all. It's mostly the newcomers that are freaking out before even experiencing it first. Just relax, show up if you want, and enjoy the ride/day. Everything will be ok...I promise! ;)

I'll probably have my GPS... If the route gets posted, I can put it in...


I'm posting route on the 1st post soon for you guys. Give me a few minutes. I'll make a new post soon to tell you it's on the 1st post. :)

Edited by NinjaNick
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I will post a map soon this morning. I'm about to go to google and make one for you guys. We all don't ride together as a group all the time Fazerlady and we don't have time in our lives for others to go out to study routes so they can lead others. I just created a thread to see if people want to get together for a ride. This ride is all country and maybe 1 stop light in the whole 3 or more hours. Stop signs mostly. We've done this about 4x in the past 3 years and no problems at all. It's mostly the newcomers that are freaking out before even experiencing it first. Just relax, show up if you want, and enjoy the ride/day. Everything will be ok...I promise! ;)

Yes SIR....:asshole:

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Just food for thought. In our riding group in Germany we used to split up the sportbikes and the cruisers and we had no more than about 12 bikes in a group. That was done for safety reasons, to be able to stay together (traffic lights, intersections) and obviously different riding styles/speeds etc. Usually we would have roadcaptains for each group and they would lead the way. There was a meeting spot we agreed on where we would all meet up again.

Just my 2 cents for a group ride. :)

Really looking forward to the ride btw.

Went for a few hours last night and I thought I would die of a heatstroke...that's what you get for wearing ATGATT! :-) Had fun nonetheless! :D

That would be a good idea, my brother is coming with me on a bagger and if theres any curvy roads he will be in the back of the group.

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All GPS people, there is the map and links you can click. I'm not a map expert so that is the best I can do. Also, the 1st post is updated with the map/directions as well.:cheers:

Anyone else, if you HAVE to, can tape the directions on their gas tanks with scotch tape. I do it all the time I ride Kentucky back roads. I paste them in "notepad", print it, and tape it onto my gas tank with scotch tape.

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Let's see if we can make this harder. Where is lunch? Are you making provisions for the vegetarians? Please don't make gas stops at any BP stations because we are supposed to be boycotting them. You should also call ahead to the stations you plan to use to make sure they aren't getting a delivery that day because the filters they put in place can't handle deliveries so the pumps deliver dirty gas. Can you make sure the stations have enough pumps for everyone; you know how long it can take to fill up thirty bikes with just four pumps? Can you go out today and sweep all the gravel out of the corners? Can you post all the longitude and latitude of the turns, most GPSs can't seem to get the Google maps to work in them. If my butt gets sore will you stop and wait until it feels better. Can we ride wheelies anywhere in the group or just in the back? Can we blame you if anyone goes down because you were leading too fast and made everyone ride over their heads? How fast are you going to be going, I don’t want to get a ticket.

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Let's see if we can make this harder. Where is lunch? Are you making provisions for the vegetarians? Please don't make gas stops at any BP stations because we are supposed to be boycotting them. You should also call ahead to the stations you plan to use to make sure they aren't getting a delivery that day because the filters they put in place can't handle deliveries so the pumps deliver dirty gas. Can you make sure the stations have enough pumps for everyone; you know how long it can take to fill up thirty bikes with just four pumps? Can you go out today and sweep all the gravel out of the corners? Can you post all the longitude and latitude of the turns, most GPSs can't seem to get the Google maps to work in them. If my butt gets sore will you stop and wait until it feels better. Can we ride wheelies anywhere in the group or just in the back? Can we blame you if anyone goes down because you were leading too fast and made everyone ride over their heads? How fast are you going to be going, I don’t want to get a ticket.

You got that right! :lol:

I hope to be at a Coshocton ride this year! See you there Mr. Punk!:burnout:

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Let's see if we can make this harder. Where is lunch? Are you making provisions for the vegetarians? Please don't make gas stops at any BP stations because we are supposed to be boycotting them. You should also call ahead to the stations you plan to use to make sure they aren't getting a delivery that day because the filters they put in place can't handle deliveries so the pumps deliver dirty gas. Can you make sure the stations have enough pumps for everyone; you know how long it can take to fill up thirty bikes with just four pumps? Can you go out today and sweep all the gravel out of the corners? Can you post all the longitude and latitude of the turns, most GPSs can't seem to get the Google maps to work in them. If my butt gets sore will you stop and wait until it feels better. Can we ride wheelies anywhere in the group or just in the back? Can we blame you if anyone goes down because you were leading too fast and made everyone ride over their heads? How fast are you going to be going, I don’t want to get a ticket.

Agreed. Lots of bitching. If you don't like the setup, don't go. Nick has put a lot of time into organizing this for sure, even with the twins he's gotta take care of. If you don't like it, ride elsewhere.

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Alright, I guess some got my suggestion confused with bitchin'. I really don't give a rats a$$ how you guys do it. I am down either way.

NinjaNick, thanks for putting this together, like I said before I am excited to go!!!

It was just a suggestion b/c anyone who has done it should know that the dynamics in a huge group and with cruisers and sportbikes is different than small groups and if you keep them in different groups.

Plus, someone said in here that they had not seen a lg group like that going to this. So I was just wondering if someone had thought of splitting it up.

Now stop talking out of your a$$ - if you don't like reading what I write, go read somewhere else!! :D

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I'm not worried about any of that. I just want to make sure someone will be at the end to polish my Chrome. Probably should make sure they're at the hs photo op, too. Cruisers gotta look good.

:lol: You never fail to make me laugh. Hope this isn't just an internet personality and you're truly funny in person. :D

Hahaha..that's what I thought!!!! Jk....

I am sure it works...I guess it is the MSF Instructor in me coming out! lol

And thank god for no traffic lights. :-) Can't wait to see new roads with turns actually??? :p

You instruct MSF here in Ohio? :cool: Where at? I took it in 2004.

Alright, I guess some got my suggestion confused with bitchin'. I really don't give a rats a$$ how you guys do it. I am down either way.

NinjaNick, thanks for putting this together, like I said before I am excited to go!!!

It was just a suggestion b/c anyone who has done it should know that the dynamics in a huge group and with cruisers and sportbikes is different than small groups and if you keep them in different groups.

Plus, someone said in here that they had not seen a lg group like that going to this. So I was just wondering if someone had thought of splitting it up.

Now stop talking out of your a$$ - if you don't like reading what I write, go read somewhere else!! :D

Blah, you didn't upset me one bit lady. Don on the other hand is ready to throw down. He's my muscle. :lol: Way to have my back Don. :trophy:

Looking forward to meeting you Fazerlady. Oh, also, I'm the only one that has the route memorized pretty much, so splitting up is out. :lol: The last person in the group should be ChickOn2 if she shows up. Nice lady that loves to take it slow and enjoy the view.

The people who plan to ride in the far back should trade some numbers with us that are up front in case there is a problem like someone having bike issues or the worse...biker down. We all won't know if someone way in the back goes down except for the few that can see him/her, so trade up some digits when we meet guys. We don't have to save them, but put them in for the ride atleast.

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Now stop talking out of your a$$ - if you don't like reading what I write, go read somewhere else!! :D

Oh snap! I like you already. :)

Blah, you didn't upset me one bit lady. Don on the other hand is ready to throw down. He's my muscle. :lol: Way to have my back Don. :trophy:

Damn right I am. :lol: I dunno about the muscle part though, I seem to be a little smaller than you. :D

I just get tired of people bitching on here regarding group rides. Maybe I'm a little wound up today since I can't ride and I'm going to miss this. :(

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I didn't read the whole thing , so i am sorry if someone already asked this, Anyone from anywhere around Akron riding down to this ride's meeting location that morning ? If yes who is and where are you all meeting ?

I am thinking about trying to make it " if i can find someone to work instead of me tomorrow "

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