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i swear i hit a damn pterodactyl today

El capitan

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cruising through the metro parks today when outta nowhere i see this thing headed right at me. it caught me square in the chest at ~45 mph. my mesh jacket basically became a cheese grater.

it went basically like this....


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ouch, mang! glad you were able to make it back and post. I took a crow off my dome a couple months back at about the same pace, maybe a bit slower. didn't do muck to me, but being hit in the chest where there is nowhere to glance off is a different story.

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The metro parks are known for the pterodactyl's that flock around there. It is even better when something splatters on your visor, and you use your glove to "clear" it, thus making the mess even messy-er.

or my favorite, when you have your visor cracked and the bug just catches the edge and the spray.....

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I had a bat hit me in the hand a couple years ago. Then i looked down and there it was on its back stuck between my leg and tank. .2 seconds later i started to freak like a little girl trying to swat that fucking thing off me.

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Best one I had was riding one summer when it was real hot, wearing sun glasses in the helmet with the visor up. A yellow jacket flys right into the corner of my hemlet stinger first I swear. Stings me on contact, right in the eyebrow. almost dropped the bike. The he stings me again before i squish him. Wife was on the back freaking out the whole time!

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Had a Canadian Goose try to take me out once. Going about 50ish, Slammed my helmet down on the tank and just missed the fat fucker. A goose hit to the dome would definitly take you down.

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the gold shorts arent boxers! those are my indoor soccer shorts!!! :lol:

indoor soccer's the shit. I played my senior year and wish I had all highschool.

I've had the bee down the shirt a couple times. And just the other day I ended a squirrel. It was easier than I thought it would be. I think I got lucky though. My front tire just sort of bounced his head against the pavement enough that it didn't get rolled over directly. I know I would have felt more of a bump. I would have stopped and made sure he was dead but I couldn't ever see myself carrying a gun around. I should have turned around to run him over a few more times. I've done that in my car but figured a motorcycle might be a bit of torture.

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A pterodactyl? Ah shit, you got the last one and now they're extinct.

I hit a hummingbird I think in south AL and it exploded on my visor once and a couple of buzzards were snacking on roadkill on the inside of a right hander when I scared them off, one was a birdbrain and decided to fly across the road, I had to lay flat on the tank to keep from getting a chest full of carrion eater, they puke when distressed, you don't want that nasty stuff on you at all.

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Best one I had was riding one summer when it was real hot, wearing sun glasses in the helmet with the visor up. A yellow jacket flys right into the corner of my hemlet stinger first I swear. Stings me on contact, right in the eyebrow. almost dropped the bike. The he stings me again before i squish him. Wife was on the back freaking out the whole time!

Had something similar on the Bkizz ride. A good-sized moth decided to float up in the miniscule crack between my chin and the skirt on the helmet, then promptly gets stuck on the skirt. Thinking it was a bee, I pulled over and ripped my helmet off like a 5 year old girl trying to get it out.

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ahahaha, i was sitting at a red light this morning and went to put my bike into gear again, felt the sting on my leg and promptly started swatting the bee away.... it stung me THROUGH my pants. Luckily it wasn't one of those little-girl-just-saw-a-spider moments like cheech's ;)

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You don't understand, I HATE bees. Every year the bastards nest somewhere in my backyard and fly around in my trees with the ridiculously big leaves making locating the hive or cutting my lawn pretty much impossible. It's not the docile little honeybees either, it's the big fuck-off wasps and hornets.

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Oh... I get it... I feel the same way. I was mowing a day or two ago and accidently hit a nest. I definitely went screaming like a little girl into the garage when they started stinging my leg :(

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