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Posts from the "Well I'm screwed" thread as requested

that dude

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I think the sort of good-natured arguing that goes on here (such as Jrmii v. IP) is generally fine. It's kind of understood that it's mostly in good fun, and people normally don't get their ass up on their shoulders about it.

However, there's a difference between that and serious trolling or less-then-friendly personal attacks. The line may be hard to define, but people generally know it when they see it.

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I second that. Personal attacks are the norm here. Casper said due to personal attacks people should have been banned. That's 3/4 of the shit on here. Opinions are like assholes, we all got em and can be one. I think some one here pick n choose who how and when to reprimand. I have seen moderators attack other members. In my eyes it's all or nothing( ruling on personal conduct). Where's the imaginary line stop and start. Are you guys going to clean up every thread someone got attacked in? Then why one? Seems unfair, but the imaginary line needs to be seen better for all, so we know where it stops and starts. If we couldn't bust balls life would be boring. I have bitched but only for fair justice. It's the intranet, you really can't get truly mad or pissed.

That's the thing; busting balls isn't a personal attack and is half the fun. Busting balls means " hey nice Hardly you chap wearing queer." I find nothing wrong with that or similiar, or even a lot worse than that.

Personally in regards to you specifically, most of the time I find your posts pretty amusing and you rarely attack someone on a level that would be considered degradation.

Keep in mind my statements are not directed to anyone specifically, but overall as a group.

I think we all just need to take step back and read what you have written before you hit submit.

Not everyone is thick skinned. Not everyone is tough. Not everyone has the ability or even the words to stand up for themselves. Not everyone can shake off a stupid forum comment. There are plenty of ways to bust balls, argue, and be a fun dick without being a stupid jackass that brings nothing to OR but stress.

This is not just the Intranets, we are not just meaningless avatars, not just a screen name with no face or real person behind it.


I guess if you wouldn't say it to someones face, don't post it here. Simple as that.

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I second Aerik's comment about the line. Most people know that line and have the respect not to cross it. All this bitching is going could lead to Ben cracking down on the moderation. I'm sure everyone here wants that.

Leave well enough alone. He is gone and so many are shitting on his memory. I didn't know the kid but it seems like he was really loved. I don't care if the biggest asshole on this site passes away, I'm gonna have the decency to say something nice, or if I can't I'll shut the hell up.

If someone has a problem with moderation on this site, PM Casper or a mod directly or start a thread but keep it civil. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

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So I can take this to mean that every time you don't agree with someone's assessment of another you'll remove the "offensive" posts for the sake of the friends and family that may come looking for what their loved one is doing?

I mean, its your sandbox and you can certainly do what you want here but I want to make sure I have the ground rules clear in my mind before I go any further.

I second that. Personal attacks are the norm here. Casper said due to personal attacks people should have been banned. That's 3/4 of the shit on here. Opinions are like assholes, we all got em and can be one. I think some one here pick n choose who how and when to reprimand. I have seen moderators attack other members. In my eyes it's all or nothing( ruling on personal conduct). Where's the imaginary line stop and start. Are you guys going to clean up every thread someone got attacked in? Then why one? Seems unfair, but the imaginary line needs to be seen better for all, so we know where it stops and starts. If we couldn't bust balls life would be boring. I have bitched but only for fair justice. It's the intranet, you really can't get truly mad or pissed.

I'm amazed at the level of stupidity. :nono:

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That's the thing; busting balls isn't a personal attack and is half the fun. Busting balls means " hey nice Hardly you chap wearing queer." I find nothing wrong with that or similiar, or even a lot worse than that.

Personally in regards to you specifically, most of the time I find your posts pretty amusing and you rarely attack someone on a level that would be considered degradation.

Keep in mind my statements are not directed to anyone specifically, but overall as a group.

I think we all just need to take step back and read what you have written before you hit submit.

Not everyone is thick skinned. Not everyone is tough. Not everyone has the ability or even the words to stand up for themselves. Not everyone can shake off a stupid forum comment. There are plenty of ways to bust balls, argue, and be a fun dick without being a stupid jackass that brings nothing to OR but stress.

This is not just the Intranets, we are not just meaningless avatars, not just a screen name with no face or real person behind it.


I guess if you wouldn't say it to someones face, don't post it here. Simple as that.

Art, you are on top of it man.

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People have a different perceptions. I feel bad for his friends and family. I just have no sympathy or remorse for people who take the easy way out. Was I wrong for the comment I said, to some yes . To myself and others, no. Maybe the timing was wrong. As far as the job talk etc, i was a far cry from being the big dickhead. Again sometimes others perception is not always reality. I don't think anyone on here knew he was going to kill himself. As Todd stated it was only a drop in the bucket.

The onnly problem I have is that remarks made after he was gone are not going to affect him, it will affect the ones left behind that knew him. I agree with you on not having sympathy for people that take their lives, but I will still have compassion for the ones left to deal with it, and probably even miss the person, if I knew them.

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That's the thing; busting balls isn't a personal attack and is half the fun. Busting balls means " hey nice Hardly you chap wearing queer." I find nothing wrong with that or similiar, or even a lot worse than that.

Personally in regards to you specifically, most of the time I find your posts pretty amusing and you rarely attack someone on a level that would be considered degradation.

Keep in mind my statements are not directed to anyone specifically, but overall as a group.

I think we all just need to take step back and read what you have written before you hit submit.

Not everyone is thick skinned. Not everyone is tough. Not everyone has the ability or even the words to stand up for themselves. Not everyone can shake off a stupid forum comment. There are plenty of ways to bust balls, argue, and be a fun dick without being a stupid jackass that brings nothing to OR but stress.

This is not just the Intranets, we are not just meaningless avatars, not just a screen name with no face or real person behind it.


I guess if you wouldn't say it to someones face, don't post it here. Simple as that.

Agreed. The part in bold especially.

Some comments made here DO bother me, when they're made by someone that I have met before, and thought the person making them was better than that.

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This might be a decent gauge of being a dick or not that may or may not help before hitting submit.....

Would you post the comment you just wrote to this person on their Facebook? If not, the back button might be a better option than submit.

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This is why I haven't been vocal in this discussion, I think it's kind of dicked up.

Same here. The asshole level of this forum has reached a fevered pitch lately.

Some of our members friend and possibly even family member has died, ladies.

No matter your opinion of wht he did, lets strive to have a little human compassion for the folks left behind to pick up the pieces and keep our stupid comments to ourselves.

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Very true. This is not some random forum where we don't know each other.

Most of us get together, hang, out, go on rides, and if you are active, you are at least known by a friend of a friend.

I will ridicule the people I know without fail, they know me, and they know it is done in friendship and in jest. As personal as this board is, no one should ever be saying ridiculous comments that have no purpose but to seriously degrade a person you have never even met.

What is the purpose?

To be witty or funny? I can assure you, the writer will be one of few that find it so, and the rest are jackasses.

There are plenty of forums that are impersonal and don't worry about the integrity of a post and the negative impact it might have on an individual, find one of those if you have nothing constructive to say.

Think about the fact there is a good chance you will meet this person at an event at a later date.

I guess if you area troll and never attend any events or have no purpose but to be a dick online, find another forum to vent in.

....Now do I believe anything said on this forum contributed to Chachi's decision? Not a chance. While some comments may have exaggerated his situation in his mind, it made very little impact on his final decision.

I have struggled with depression since college, survived one suicide attempt in college and spent several stays in hospitals to be sure I wouldn't make another. I know what what he was going through, and I wish I would have read this post earlier to maybe catch a sign of his depression and let him know it does get better and easier. I got through it and still struggle occasionally, but life is good. :)

I keep seeing on here that people don't have any respect for someone who commits suicide. it is hard to when you have no idea what happened and why, but that doesn't mean we should degrade the memory of a lost friend.

I believe if you had an inkling of the emotional state of a person who is even thinking of suicide, you might take a step back and say, "well instead of being an asshole, what can I do to help them and the people around them?"

I guess my point is being an asshole isn't a contest, or if it is to you, just by playing you automatically lose. Take a step back and think of your comments towards someone you have never met, and ask if you want the same said to you.

We will always have disagreements and should feel free to argue them, feel free to bash your friends if you know they can take it, but please just have some respect for others, Ohio Riders, and yourself.

Great post Art. I disagree though.... If he was obviously at a point of despair in his life/thought process.... Some of the BS aimed at him on here could have worsened it

So I can take this to mean that every time you don't agree with someone's assessment of another you'll remove the "offensive" posts for the sake of the friends and family that may come looking for what their loved one is doing?

I mean, its your sandbox and you can certainly do what you want here but I want to make sure I have the ground rules clear in my mind before I go any further.

If you're not clear on it yet.... You're slower than I thought

I used to kind of like you Todd, 'til I went back & read this thread yesterday & saw how truly mean spirited you were bein' to this kid.... Especially knowing the end result now. I only wish I'd caught it sooner

And spare me your pat & typical "Don't care" answer here.... It's stale

This thread being "cleaned up" does not affect you. Why are you so offended? One less thread you get to be a dick to someone in?

I think the ground rules are pretty clear to anyone with a conscience. If you don't get them, maybe you should stop posting.


I second that. Personal attacks are the norm here. Casper said due to personal attacks people should have been banned. That's 3/4 of the shit on here. Opinions are like assholes, we all got em and can be one. I think some one here pick n choose who how and when to reprimand. I have seen moderators attack other members. In my eyes it's all or nothing( ruling on personal conduct). Where's the imaginary line stop and start. Are you guys going to clean up every thread someone got attacked in? Then why one? Seems unfair, but the imaginary line needs to be seen better for all, so we know where it stops and starts. If we couldn't bust balls life would be boring. I have bitched but only for fair justice. It's the intranet, you really can't get truly mad or pissed.

Like someone else said..... This wasn't a typical tire or oil thread that got out of hand. And this wasn't some asshat nobody liked, or a chronic whiner on here. By all accounts, Chach was a good kid. It was apparent to me from his first post & titling of this thread, that he was truly worried how he was gonna get by. Since I didn't have any constructive leads to offer him.... I stayed out of it

That's the thing; busting balls isn't a personal attack and is half the fun. Busting balls means " hey nice Hardly you chap wearing queer." I find nothing wrong with that or similiar, or even a lot worse than that.

Personally in regards to you specifically, most of the time I find your posts pretty amusing and you rarely attack someone on a level that would be considered degradation.

Keep in mind my statements are not directed to anyone specifically, but overall as a group.

I think we all just need to take step back and read what you have written before you hit submit.

Not everyone is thick skinned. Not everyone is tough. Not everyone has the ability or even the words to stand up for themselves. Not everyone can shake off a stupid forum comment. There are plenty of ways to bust balls, argue, and be a fun dick without being a stupid jackass that brings nothing to OR but stress.

This is not just the Intranets, we are not just meaningless avatars, not just a screen name with no face or real person behind it.


I guess if you wouldn't say it to someones face, don't post it here. Simple as that.

AMEN! How long have I been sayin' that same thing for??

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but here's the thing... the last time That Dude posted something about the forums some of the mods said he was a complete waste of space etc etc etc.

That's no different than him saying someone else is a waste of space right?


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but here's the thing... the last time That Dude posted something about the forums some of the mods said he was a complete waste of space etc etc etc.

That's no different than him saying someone else is a waste of space right?


Actually Matt..... I said that, & as much shit as he continually dishes out....

It's completely different

Life isn't black & white people.... It's shades of grey

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Actually Matt..... I said that, & as much shit as he continually dishes out....

It's completely different

Life isn't black & white people.... It's shades of grey

I wasn't going to call you out on it, but you're certainly not the only one.

And I agree 100%, I'm usually the one to argue "there's shades of grey" but seems like there's a divide on some of the communication/policing because sometimes it's "you say this you're banned".... and then sometimes it's "well it's up to discretion"

I expect it's 100% discretion, which brings up Casper's point about emailing admins/mods or reporting posts. But you're forcing us to rely on the people policing :)

protect and serve right? :fruit:

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I wasn't going to call you out on it, but you're certainly not the only one.

And I agree 100%, I'm usually the one to argue "there's shades of grey" but seems like there's a divide on some of the communication/policing because sometimes it's "you say this you're banned".... and then sometimes it's "well it's up to discretion"

I expect it's 100% discretion, which brings up Casper's point about emailing admins/mods or reporting posts. But you're forcing us to rely on the people policing :)

protect and serve right? :fruit:

I see it this way Matt.... And perhaps Casper will tell me/you I'm all wrong....

The rules are there as a general guideline for the Mods, to use when they feel warranted & at their discretion. Again.... Everything's not black & white.... So the Mods have to decide on the "grey area" & when/where/why/who the rules come into play. Not every situation is the same.... There are often extenuating circumstances

My general rule is.... Treat others as I'd like to be treated. Seems to work pretty well for me most of the time... Coupled with a healthy sense of humor

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Again, amazed at the stupidity. Is there really a need for this discussion? When a forum member and friend dies, show sympathy or stay out of the thread. Don't make fucktarded comments. Pretty simple really

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Again, amazed at the stupidity. Is there really a need for this discussion? When a forum member and friend dies, show sympathy or stay out of the thread. Don't make fucktarded comments. Pretty simple really

you'd think it would be simple to anyone with even a quarter of a brain. but apparently not.

if ppl want to be jerkoffs on the internet, then go back to 4chan.

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Great post Art. I disagree though.... If he was obviously at a point of despair in his life/thought process.... Some of the BS aimed at him on here could have worsened it

There is no way you can blame others for a decision that ultimately rested solely on his shoulders. No one here hastened the outcome any more than anyone could have prevented it. Some people attempt it for the attention it brings. Others do it because they literally can't take it. Seems this guy was the latter.

I've been here before. I've lost friends and relatives at their own hand. Its never pretty, but to blame it on others is ludicrous.

If you're not clear on it yet.... You're slower than I thought

I used to kind of like you Todd, 'til I went back & read this thread yesterday & saw how truly mean spirited you were bein' to this kid.... Especially knowing the end result now. I only wish I'd caught it sooner

And spare me your pat & typical "Don't care" answer here.... It's stale

Spare me the "I used to kind of like you" shit. Whether you did or didn't is of zero consequence to me. Do you think its news to me that I'm "mean spirited"? Give me a break and take you bleeding heart liberal ass to the next thread.

Its crystal clear now that this board is just like all the others. Someone with "moderator" under his screen name gets his feelings hurt and feels the need to flex his or her "muscles" to "right" a perceived slight. Of course, if the person who happens to be on the "receiving end" of the e-beating isn't one of your "crowd" then the piling on is ignored. Call it "shades of grey" if you want, but in reality its a double standard.

but here's the thing... the last time That Dude posted something about the forums some of the mods said he was a complete waste of space etc etc etc.

That's no different than him saying someone else is a waste of space right?


Actually Matt..... I said that, & as much shit as he continually dishes out....

It's completely different

Life isn't black & white people.... It's shades of grey

Its NO different.

This "shades of grey" is the root of most of society's problems. In the real world things are black or white, right or wrong. To say someone did something "wrong" and then excuse it because of his or her "circumstances" is bullshit.

If beating up on the departed (before he left) was wrong in your eyes then it should be wrong to beat up on anyone - regardless of how YOU feel about that person.

Again, amazed at the stupidity. Is there really a need for this discussion? When a forum member and friend dies, show sympathy or stay out of the thread. Don't make fucktarded comments. Pretty simple really

I'm amazed at your inability to see a situation for what its worth. The thread wasn't a "sympathy" thread when the shit hit the fan. The guy was asking how he was supposed to party like a rockstar on $240 a month. Questions were asked and questions were answered. If you didn't like the answers you could have said something then instead of jumping on the whiny cunt bandwagon now.

I can honestly say that this board used to be a lot fun. It isn't any more. You may as well merge it with that localriders.com board.

Too many moderators spoil the board.

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