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  jschaf said:
Welcome to the forum. Please nix the 250 idea. Your ability to keep up with & stay out of the way of traffic is essential. My wife spent her first year on a 650 suzuki savage then moved up to a little monster (Ducati 696). Best of luck.

Good point, unless you're willing to wring the shit out of it from the get-go! Gear selection is critical when riding the 250!

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  jagr said:
Where teh wimenz should be anyway.

Welcome. :D

Suuuck it

  jschaf said:
Welcome to the forum. Please nix the 250 idea. Your ability to keep up with & stay out of the way of traffic is essential. My wife spent her first year on a 650 suzuki savage then moved up to a little monster (Ducati 696). Best of luck.


I learned to ride on a yamaha 600 and had no trouble at all, and I am pretty small and short. It also depends alot on who is teaching you. I got my permit back in February and my boyfriend got me on the 600 in a big parking lot, had me work on getting the feel of the clutch "friction zone" for a while before I took off. I just took the MSF course this weekend and it was WELL worth my time.....plus you get an insurance discount and your motorcycle endorsement when you pass. There were several women (and men) there that had never ridden before and they were riding like champs by the time we took our evaluation.

Just make sure that when you get a bike you don't just get it because it's "cute"....if I did that I would be riding a brand new 1000rr right now... and that's probably not a good idea. Anyway when you are looking at a bike, sit on it and make sure you can get both feet flat on the ground (with your height that probably won't be a problem..must be NICE to be tall). Grab the handlebars and see what it's going to feel like in that position, get familiar with the switches and clutch/front brake levers. You can look at this page http://motorcycles.about.com/od/buyingamotorcycle/ss/how_to_inspect.htm for some more helpful hints, and take a KNOWLEDGEABLE MAN with you. I am saying man because the dealership/seller will more than likely try to screw you over even more if you go alone or with a girlfraannnd.

Oh, and when you start riding, get ahold of me and we will cruise.:banana:

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