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has being on forums made you meaner?


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Asked and answered previously. Brought to you by the magnificent bastards at Penny Arcade.


I know that a similar question of 'do you act the same way online as you do in real life' has been asked and answered.

I'm saying that I have more of a tendency to snap at people or call them out now, where I would never have done that before... Also my humor has become slightly harsher. I'll say something that's kinda funny in a mean way or kinda funny because it IS mean and then think 'Where did that come from?'.

Attention whores and narcissists are also pet peeve these days. I've lost just about any level of tolerance I used to have.... If someone is just constantly 'oh look at what I bought' or 'check out what I'm doing' or 'here are pictures of my wife' it sends me over the edge and I want to pick fights with them. I never used to be like that. I was just curious if others notice the same feelings or if I should just cancel my internet connection and get back to mother nature, because forum life is not for me!

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On a long enough timeline people will tell you who they really are

... technology just speeds the process :)

what if you're a pr0nstar, and your version of water cooler talk is water sports?

how do you tell a joke about the sparkly vampires to the girl you just took a pi.... nevermind. but it would be awkward for a long time, is what i'm sayin.

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I know that a similar question of 'do you act the same way online as you do in real life' has been asked and answered.

I'm saying that I have more of a tendency to snap at people or call them out now, where I would never have done that before... Also my humor has become slightly harsher. I'll say something that's kinda funny in a mean way or kinda funny because it IS mean and then think 'Where did that come from?'.

Attention whores and narcissists are also pet peeve these days. I've lost just about any level of tolerance I used to have.... If someone is just constantly 'oh look at what I bought' or 'check out what I'm doing' or 'here are pictures of my wife' it sends me over the edge and I want to pick fights with them. I never used to be like that. I was just curious if others notice the same feelings or if I should just cancel my internet connection and get back to mother nature, because forum life is not for me!

I don't think you can blame forums for that. Maybe you just don't like people anymore? :dunno:

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what if you're a pr0nstar, and your version of water cooler talk is water sports?

how do you tell a joke about the sparkly vampires to the girl you just took a pi.... nevermind. but it would be awkward for a long time, is what i'm sayin.


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I know that a similar question of 'do you act the same way online as you do in real life' has been asked and answered.

I'm saying that I have more of a tendency to snap at people or call them out now, where I would never have done that before... Also my humor has become slightly harsher. I'll say something that's kinda funny in a mean way or kinda funny because it IS mean and then think 'Where did that come from?'.

Attention whores and narcissists are also pet peeve these days. I've lost just about any level of tolerance I used to have.... If someone is just constantly 'oh look at what I bought' or 'check out what I'm doing' or 'here are pictures of my wife' it sends me over the edge and I want to pick fights with them. I never used to be like that. I was just curious if others notice the same feelings or if I should just cancel my internet connection and get back to mother nature, because forum life is not for me!

Naivety will only take you so far before the realities of the world begin to set in. You can't avoid it, so you might as well laugh at it. I think you're doing just fine.

I'm going to side a little with the pedo-panda jbot as well, people (ESPECIALLY the aforementioned attention whores and narcissists) exist solely for my amusement and I treat them as such.

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I've always been a shoot from the hip kinda guy and will always be. It has bitten me in the ass on more than one occasion, but you will always know just where you stand with me.

The interwebs hasn't influenced me to be meaner nor do I believe it has made others meaner. I believe that all of this politically correct bullshit that most must deal with in their daily lives forces folks to not voice their real opinions in public. Then you put that repressed person on the interwebs and they finally can speak their mind without the fear of losing their job or shaming their family.

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The reality check is to type it out, look at it, and delete it. I delete a good chunk of the stuff I start to post. I change my mind and I don't. There is no way everything typed should be posted. Just ask (insert troll name here).

edit: agree with Cheech, that would be no fun. I enjoy the floor show.

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I was just curious if others notice the same feelings or if I should just cancel my internet connection and get back to mother nature, because forum life is not for me!

Sometimes taking a step back and time off from technology does the body good,

after you get over the shakes from email/OR/FB withdrawl that is :p

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I just do this naturally and if they don't like it then let them blow me off. It's not like my words are the end of the worls as we know it....someone already beat me to that.

I'm not entirely sure 'meaner' is the right word. Just more likely to express negative comments toward what others are saying or doing...

I follow a few healthy living blogs lately and one of them really got on my nerves yesterday. Amidst all the people stroking this womans ego, I commented that she sounded out of touch and entitled to me. Of course all of her followers jumped my ass about how I was rude and to just move along if I don't like it.

Good point and made me realize that I used to be so much nicer or at least follow the adage of 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'. I feel like the forums environment has brought it out in me: making snarky comments or letting people know if I think they're being stupid.

Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon? Maybe the participation in online communities just constantly reminds me how annoying and self serving people can be and I'm worn out of it. Time to put down the computer and get back to mother nature!

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no. I've always been annoyed by ignorance and stupidity.

now "do forums provide a large audience of people that are ignorant of things I consider common knowledge?" Possibly.

I'm nicer to forum peeps who I have met, or might someday meet.

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I dont think i'm meaner (yet) but I have noticed that I more quickly get annoyed by how people are acting and I often find myself being less patient... I feel like that generally happens with age and experience though too, so idk.

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I dont think i'm meaner (yet) but I have noticed that I more quickly get annoyed by how people are acting and I often find myself being less patient... I feel like that generally happens with age and experience though too, so idk.

Couldn't have said it better. I think as we age we become more in control of ourselves and our lives so we get less patient with poor behavior. And we don't need to follow anymore.

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I dont think i'm meaner (yet) but I have noticed that I more quickly get annoyed by how people are acting and I often find myself being less patient... I feel like that generally happens with age and experience though too, so idk.
Couldn't have said it better. I think as we age we become more in control of ourselves and our lives so we get less patient with poor behavior. And we don't need to follow anymore.

Opposite here, I've gotten tolerant and patient. I no longer knock people down when I think they are stupid...

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I've opened up quite a bit since joining this forum. I've also become exponentially more knowledgeable in several subjects thanks to the topics discussed in detail. The additional knowledgeability manifests into an increased freedom to express your opinion and diminished capacity for bullshit.

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+1. In my "hayday"(??) I would go to work on Monday looking like a truck ran me over' date=' laughing about the ass beating I received at the hand of someone that didn't appreciate my sarcasm. Recently, I've discovered I have to tell the guys at work about my weekend activities via the telephone from the comfort of my sofa. The old bones don't bounce like they once did. I've learned that mouthing off on the netz feeds the need to be an ass while saving me 2-5 days of not being able to turn at the waist or take a deep breath.:nono:[/quote']

You? NO.... Lol, I remember when I first met you. I brought my Arai in with a damaged side hinge. When I told you I had been swapping visors you basically called me a moron and asked why I didnt have a second lid. I told ya the Tommy Gun took up all my monies... You rolled your eyes and got the part ordered. After you fixed it you said "Dont touch the fuckin visor!" That lid cost to damn much to break it! I didnt listen of course but did buy a second lid. However I have found out the trick to switching the visors. At the same time I respected your bluntness!

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I'm not entirely sure 'meaner' is the right word. Just more likely to express negative comments toward what others are saying or doing...

I follow a few healthy living blogs lately and one of them really got on my nerves yesterday. Amidst all the people stroking this womans ego, I commented that she sounded out of touch and entitled to me. Of course all of her followers jumped my ass about how I was rude and to just move along if I don't like it.

Good point and made me realize that I used to be so much nicer or at least follow the adage of 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'. I feel like the forums environment has brought it out in me: making snarky comments or letting people know if I think they're being stupid.

Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon? Maybe the participation in online communities just constantly reminds me how annoying and self serving people can be and I'm worn out of it. Time to put down the computer and get back to mother nature!

Its because you live with me

Anything Ananda says sounds sexy to me

Edited in respect for Casper

Edited by schmuckingham
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