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Fatal Motorcycle Accidents Up This Year


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As the weather warms up, more motorcycles hit the pavement.

But this year has been especially deadly year for motorcycle riders. According to stats from the Ohio Department of Public Safety, so far this year ...87 people have been killed in motorcycle accidents. That’s up compared to 2009, where a total of 81 riders were killed.

So before some riders get started, they come here to ODOT headquarters on West Board Street.. to take a course in motorcycle safety.

"90 percent of the fatal accidents that happen, those individuals have never taken a motorcycle safety class,” says Mark Gainer, motorcycle safety instructor for the state of Ohio.

Gainer says that riders that are in accidents just don't know the basics.

"They have not received any proper training, on proper braking, how to swerve, and those type of things that we are teaching here,” Gainer points out.

Riders that have enrolled in the course are learning that riding a motorcycle is completely different than driving a car.

"It is a lot easier to maneuver a motorcycle around than it is a car and you have a better field of vision,” stated Gainer.

Even though this class is for motorcycle riders, Gainer wants drivers to learn a few rules.

"We can corner faster and do a lot of things a little bit quicker,” says Gainer,” and I don't think people realize how soon a motorcycle enter an intersection because of the size of it."

Each basic rider course provides motorcycles, helmets and textbooks. If you are interested in registering for the course, go to www.motorcycle.ohio.gov.

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They forgot to mention that MC fatalities last year, dropped a huge amount. Something like 25%. If they are comparing an increase to that, which it appears they are, then we could simply be going back to normal.

Otherwise, I'll go with blaming it all on increased use of cell phones and texting.

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"It is a lot easier to maneuver a motorcycle around than it is a car and you have a better field of vision,” stated Gainer.

Even though this class is for motorcycle riders, Gainer wants drivers to learn a few rules.

"We can corner faster and do a lot of things a little bit quicker,” says Gainer,” and I don't think people realize how soon a motorcycle enter an intersection because of the size of it."

BS. At any speed over parking lot maneuvers, a car has a huge advantage in changing directions quickly. The contact patch is much larger, and they don't have to keep it upright and adjust the center of gravity to change direction. In an evasive swerve, a car has a huge advantage over any motorcycle.

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