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FS Thread Junk

that dude

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  • 7 months later...

Dude is selling something i offered a fair price of 100 for a used maybe abused sub.

Seller stated he'd use it as a paper weight. So how's the paper weight? Tough times, so my offer has lowered to 75. Keepmin mind electronics have horrible resale.'i'm sure he paid no more than 350 new. If he did he's a fool. My offer stands at 75, or keep using it as a paper weight!

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regardless, if you think that something wasn't done correctly you can report it and ask and anyone can look at it, or you can PM any of the mods. If you want to go calling names, go for it, but i think its pretty rude.

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What ever asshat mod started this thread, I'm glad you only put what you wanted to. Next time move the whole thread, not what you want. Class act buddy.

That dude banned your mom?

That's funny right there.

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Seems like people sh!t on FS threads all the time on OR.

TD posted up a lowball offer. Was it out of line? Maybe, maybe not. I doubt that he has any real interest in buying the item, but if he does, then OK. If the seller doesn't like the offer then it's time to negotiate.

At least the low-ball offer provided a bump to the thread, thus increasing the eyeball count.

Common courtesy would dictate that unless you're actually interested in the item that's for sale, stay out of the thread.

However, what little common courtesy that <may> have existed here seems to be loooong gone.

I could cite numerous examples, but really, all the bickering is just getting tiresome.

<Some> of the mods and admins are prone to posting "snarky" responses which really do nothing more than fan the flames of a thread which is already burning brightly.

They (the mods) <should> be above that, at least when their "mod hat" is on.

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We're just trying to keep the site running and not host a site for bitching... if there's a problem we genuinely try to take care of it. I personally don't have any pity for people (in general) who think they should just bitch about stuff and don't actually have any desire to get a problem corrected...

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why bother with bitching about the mods, nothing will be done because of it.

Sure it will.

These posts were removed from a for sale thread because they were requested to be. We do the same thing on CR if someone junks up a for sale thread and the OP wants it cleaned up. I didn't move the posts, but I completely agree with what MJ did.

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why bother with bitching about the mods, nothing will be done because of it.

Wasn't "bitching", merely observing and commenting, and lamenting the turn this forum has taken.

As for "...nothing will be done about it", I'm not sure what (if anything) should be done. Mod the mods? That would be up to the admins. Ben/Casper has the final say, and if he's OK with it, then so be it.

All of the back and forth name calling, questioning of people's "worth" to the forum, etc., is just vexatious. Everyone contributes in their own way - some with funny pictures, some with helpful advice, some with witty (at least to them) comments, well, you get the point.

The variety of people, their experiences, etc., are what make this a great place to hang out.

The completely crappy way people are acting toward each other is what is making this a less-fun place to hang out.

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We're just trying to keep the site running and not host a site for bitching... if there's a problem we genuinely try to take care of it. I personally don't have any pity for people (in general) who think they should just bitch about stuff and don't actually have any desire to get a problem corrected...

pick up the pace, because all this site has been is bitching and a large group of tards trainwrecking threads into sheep fucking and taint rubs. Honestly every thread goes to the same place.

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