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Can we get the autocensor going?


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Hahaha, I knew that'd get all you hippies in here. On another forum I'm on they have the autcensor set to ban only the word "fuck" but instead of just putting in asterisks, it replaces the word "fuck" with "smurf".

Ex. It's unsmurfing believable how retarded this sounds but after you start using it you think, "smurf, I'm using it more and more". I hate how smurfing stupid this goddamn smurfing system is set up nowadays. I really wish that people didn't give a smurf but they do. So smurf em all, the smurfing smurfers.

Okay, random though for the day is complete. Let's open the floor to comments while I don my smurfing flame suit. :)

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Hahaha, I knew that'd get all you hippies in here. On another forum I'm on they have the autcensor set to ban only the word "fuck" but instead of just putting in asterisks, it replaces the word "fuck" with "smurf".

Ex. It's unsmurfing believable how retarded this sounds but after you start using it you think, "smurf, I'm using it more and more". I hate how smurfing stupid this goddamn smurfing system is set up nowadays. I really wish that people didn't give a smurf but they do. So smurf em all, the smurfing smurfers.

Okay, random though for the day is complete. Let's open the floor to comments while I don my smurfing flame suit. :)

Dude, didn't anyone tell you not to drink the bong water?

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Hahaha, I knew that'd get all you hippies in here. On another forum I'm on they have the autcensor set to ban only the word "fuck" but instead of just putting in asterisks, it replaces the word "fuck" with "smurf".

Ex. It's unsmurfing believable how retarded this sounds but after you start using it you think, "smurf, I'm using it more and more". I hate how smurfing stupid this goddamn smurfing system is set up nowadays. I really wish that people didn't give a smurf but they do. So smurf em all, the smurfing smurfers.

Okay, random though for the day is complete. Let's open the floor to comments while I don my smurfing flame suit. :)

There was a lot of Harley bashing on another forum I am on from time to time, and the admin made it so that every time you would type "Harley", it would appear as "Honda"... made for some funny threads.

And BTW- smurf you and the Honda you rode in on.

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