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my bike is down for a while. sucks to be me.

El capitan

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decide to address the carb mani gaskets which were leaking, and finally use the rebuild kit i bought forever and a day ago. tore it all apart and found that both diaphragms had holes in em'. one had a tiny pinhole... the other.... pinched and a nice slit in it.

fuck me.

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I've had a few of those. It seems to be a weak part of the design. The vacuum diaphragms just won't last forever. I prefer simple throttle slides like Mikunis have. I remember gluing one shut with RTV, but I wouldn't recommend doing that. It would have to be fixed again soon. The bad part for me was when I went to buy a throttle slide/diaphragm, they said I had to buy an entire carburetor. I refused. That was overseas in Japan and the carb cost near as much as the used motorcycle. Or it seemed that way at the time.

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After fiddling with carbs, check for air leaks between carbs and engine. That would cause a rough or low idle. No problem at higher RPMs. Spraying water around the joints will seal them temporarily and the idle will go up or smooth out.

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It idles good, no leaks at the manifolds either. I'm going to check the hats that cover the diaphragms tomorrow. It ran real strong today, and I think my mileage has improved by quite a bit. I never knew how bad it was til I saw how good it has become. The throttle response is really quick and snappy. And my exhaust has a nice crisp bark to it.

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