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Ride monday 01-07-08


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I pulled the bike out of the dining room this morning and rode her to work. I left work around 3:30 and began my rapid descent south. I got no more than 5 miles from work and heard the oddest noise at about 65 MPH. I thought it was a false neutral at first and stepped up a gear. I let the clutch out and she free revved to the moon. My first thought was I dropped the transmission. I stopped at the stop sign and put her in first... nothing. I got off the bike and was never happier to see a missing chain. Needless to say I thumbed a ride to the house and grabbed the Subaru and trailer and brought her home. So' date=' no ride for me but it could have been much worse. Now I have an excuse to buy more goodies for it. Chain, sprockets, tires, carbon fiber, full system... ok, maybe not sprockets!!


You are one lucky Mofo. When I was down in South Africa I rented a 99 R1. Maintenance list is long: Bolts loose, EXUP valve in exhaust was seized shut, chain was too tight, chain was not lubed, rear tire had a plug, mis match brand of tires.

So after the trackday we went to the mountains. I was riding my buddies 140 rwhp TLR when the chain on the R1 snapped.

Damage was that it bent the Counter shaft and tore the sprocket and put a crack in the case...

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I was out...picked up the bike from my friend's, we rode back to campus so I could go to class, I ran some errands, then we met back up and rode out to some friends to watch that sad excuse for a national championship game, and then we rode the bikes back to his living room since his garage just isn't good enough. Stupid Ohio!

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Karla rode to the gas station & back


Let me add some info to this one so it doesn't sound like I'm such a loser.

I had been meaning to do this so it doesn't sit in the cold garage only 1/2 full and wanted to put in the additive that helps the gas not go to shit when it's just sitting there not being used. When I woke up I heard a couple bikes going by on Route 3 so figured I'd get up up a bit early and ride down to fill her up. I would have liked to stay out but had to come home and get ready for work. Wish I'd gotten up earlier. Then again, since Bret's bike is in pieces in the garage, it wouldn't have been as much fun by myself.

It was nice riding but such a tease! I thought about riding to work but didn't know what the weather was gonna do at 3am when I got off.

I guess it's supposed to be warm today (Tues) but maybe rain. :(

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I did have a few puckering moments.Strangely they all involved alot of right hand twisting.

+1 on that one... was leaving the gas station and was a little heavy on the throttle and ended up with the bike sideways for a sec. Came out OK though, should have know better, a little too excited about being able to ride I guess. I just rode downtown to work and then up to the Polaris area to drop off a ring to get sized at the mall. And then back home to Dublin. All in all I only rode maybe an hr or so.

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