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WTB: 120/70ZR17 and 190/50ZR17 Tires ASAP


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Found a nice set...big thanks to Coyote!!!

Listen up folks...can anybody help a brother out?

My Concours14 tires don't have the life left in them for an extended upcoming trip...and I'm getting short on time before I leave...so I'm throwing this out here to see if anyone has a set of new tires I could give them cash for. I'm willing to pay fair market price for what you've got...or I can just order you a new set and have them delivered to you.

I need to pick the tires up no later that noonish this Friday so I can get them installed...I'm leaving Saturday morning.

I know this is short notice...but any help would be appreciated.


Edited by BadTrainDriver
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I'm going to the Pony tomorrow to see what they've got...and will call STG(they've got the Pirelli Angel ST's that I'd like to use).

My trip got "extended"...originally not as long as planned now...and I don't think my tires will make it. Original plan was to replace the tires after the trip.


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Iron Pony has your sizes in stock.

Rear tires

Front tires

Depending on where you're going, may I suggest the Qualifiers? I know a lot of people don't like that tire, but on my ZX10 they did great for the trip to Colorado and back. I ended up getting around 6k miles out of them, and they were fairly sticky.

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I appreciate the offer crf69...but I'm leaving at the ass crack of dawn on Saturday.

If I don't find anything before I leave...I may look into a 55 series tire for when I get home...but I'll have to modify my rear hugger...as the clearance is tight with a 50 series(one bracket will move...but the other is fixed due to mounting design). I have heard of guys running the 180/55 due to the "profile"...but not the 190/55.

As far as cornering...I'm completely happy with how the bike handles now...and can scrape peg feelers at will...and have no chicken strips on the front or rear. I'm not the average C14 rider...not bragging...just stating.

Thanks for the info and offer.


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