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My hands were sweating just watching that. Someone needs to put one of those pop-up screaming faces in the middle of that video. Hey man, if someone is willing to climb up there, OSHA shouldn't give a care about safety clipping/ harnesses. Those gloves looked slippery, though I'm not real sure what slippery gloves might look like. I'll stick with Drop Zone, or whatever KI will call it next year.

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Race you to the top.

You're on. Ready...set...go!

Well I'd be fine until it's time to go outside and free climb. That part had my stomach turning. although if I could base jump after my work was done, that might make it worth the climb up.

Edited by chevysoldier
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damn...I wonder what those guys make/hour


It's fairly stupid that the tower design doesn't include an unobstructed safety cable that could be used for fall prevention. OSHA apparently allows climbers to free climb, which I understand, but to not demand that adequate fall protection be included in the actual design of the towers is pathetic.

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It's fairly stupid that the tower design doesn't include an unobstructed safety cable that could be used for fall prevention. OSHA apparently allows climbers to free climb, which I understand, but to not demand that adequate fall protection be included in the actual design of the towers is pathetic.

There was a comment on that page. Some guy said he does that for a living and OSHA does NOT allow the free climbing. :dunno:

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