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New version of Ohio Riders


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It looks best on Firefox, Safari, or any other Mozilla based browser. For those using Opera or IE, I'm sorry. Opera and IE just can't render the shadows, round corners, etc. Nor are they HTML5 compliant. You might want to think about switching web browsers. A screenshot is attached so you IE/Opera folks can see how it's supposed to look.

With that said, it's pretty much ready to roll out. It's running the newest version of vBulletin, 4.0.7. I've made a few final tweaks to the design, fixed a few graphics, etc. I think it looks pretty good. I'm planning to roll it out in the very near future. I know I've been saying this for a while, but I wanted to make sure vBulletin fixed all of the bugs. This version seems fairly stable. I feel confident upgrading the site.

So, play around with it. Check things out. Post here if you find anything not working or something you think needs fixed/changed.

My notes:

- You can add authors to your blog. So say you and a buddy are building a drag bike. You can add them to your blog as an author. Also, you can rename your blogs.

- Social groups are a LOT more useful now. My suggestion to these groups would be to register your domain name (IE: www.ohioadv.com), and point it to the social group page. As a social group admin, you have full control over your group. I'm adding more features to the groups as well (like calendars, mass messaging, etc). It's like you're own website right here on Ohio Riders.

- Soon you'll be able to sync the calendar with your own via ical. This function will be available when the site rolls out. It is amazing. For you smart phone people, you can have the OR calendar right on your phone. For anyone else, any email client that supports iCal (almost all of them) will be able to view the calendar.

Some new things to take note of:

Forum listing page: http://dev.ohioriders.net/forum.php

Groups page: http://dev.ohioriders.net/group.php

Group layout: http://dev.ohioriders.net/group.php?groupid=3

Blogs (perfect for projects, ride reports, etc): http://dev.ohioriders.net/blog.php?2514-Fonzie

User profiles: http://dev.ohioriders.net/member.php?1-Casper

What's new (I know, Craigslist ads won't be there for the live version): http://dev.ohioriders.net/search.php?searchid=68

Calendar layout: http://dev.ohioriders.net/calendar.php

Albums layout: http://dev.ohioriders.net/album.php

User CP layout: http://dev.ohioriders.net/usercp.php

Improved member list: http://dev.ohioriders.net/memberlist.php

New "who's online": http://dev.ohioriders.net/online.php

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Is the IE/opera non-compliance strictly visual, or is there some functionality lost?

Strictly visual. IE and Opera don't render HTML5 or CSS3, so no drop shadows, rounded corners, etc. I added a screenshot to the first post so folks can see how it's supposed to look.

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I posted to your test group discussion, but when I refresh the Forums page, it still shows your post as the latest.

Picking at nits, I know, but...

Tested in Google Chrome, v6.0.472.62

Will be testing soon from my Droid X, now running 2.2 (Finally Verizon/Moto released it...).

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I posted to your test group discussion, but when I refresh the Forums page, it still shows your post as the latest.

Picking at nits, I know, but...

Tested in Google Chrome, v6.0.472.62

Will be testing soon from my Droid X, now running 2.2 (Finally Verizon/Moto released it...).

Those aren't updated in real time. I believe I have it cached for 10 minutes or so. I can change that later, but right now I'm worried about performance. Good find though.

How did it look in Chrome?

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Those aren't updated in real time. I believe I have it cached for 10 minutes or so. I can change that later, but right now I'm worried about performance. Good find though.


How did it look in Chrome?

Looks fine. If I change the style from ORdN Red and Gray (Scarlet and gray???) to the VB4 Default, the OR logo goes away. No biggie, jus' my old QA skills coming home to roost.

i cant log in on the new site?

Me neither, at least on the Home/default landing page. Doesn't matter if "remember me" is checked or not -- seems like the login button just doesn't have any code behind it.

Work-around: Click "What's New" in the top banner, and I'm able to log in from there.

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Wow, Chrome kinda sucks. It's rendering the showthread.php pages horribly. It added borders for some reason. Weird that nothing else does that. Even IE renders the borders correctly.

Huh. Fired it up in Firefox, don't see a difference? :confused:

I <really> like the way the smiley box/thingy works in the new version. Much, much better. just need to add all the new ones.

PS: Can't log in the 'regular' way in Firefox, either, but the work-around works.

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Looks fine. If I change the style from ORdN Red and Gray (Scarlet and gray???) to the VB4 Default, the OR logo goes away. No biggie, jus' my old QA skills coming home to roost.

That won't be an option when we go live. That's just for me to switch back and forth when I break something. :lol:

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How much time do you have involved in the vB4 setup? I'm considering doing this on my forum, but the difference between vB3 and vB4 styling is holding me back.

About seven months. No joke. I couldn't switched over then slowly made the changes, but I wanted to get it all the way I wanted first.

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How much time do you have involved in the vB4 setup? I'm considering doing this on my forum...
About seven months...

I'll take that as a "no"... :D

Any mods on the dev site? -- I reported Tyler's potty-mouth post :nono::lol: in anticipation of td's return from Purgatory in < 7 hours... Gotta make sure stuff works.

On another note: Dev site looks good/works well from Android browser...

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this button doesnt work right...its supposed to take you to last post in the thread, instead all it does is open the thread to the first post


It actually takes you to the first unread post in that thread. So, if you haven't read the thread, it'd take you to the first post. However, if you've read the thread, it'll take you to the first post you haven't read. In theory anyways.

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