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Motorcyclist tries to slice van in half, lands between couple in backseat


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I had trouble visualizing this one. I thought the van had a left and right rear door. It doesn't, it was a hatchback. The front wheel broke and the forks bent on the rear bumper, causing the bumper to fling out left and right. The bike punched a bike shaped impact on the rear hatch, and pushed it to the backseat. The rider launched through the rear hatch window, and into the front seat (and back seat), and stayed in the van. Probably bounced off the van's interior roof. The bike rebounded, exiting the vehicle, and skidding to a stop on the side of the road.

The rear window must have been intact when he hit it. Frankly, the rear hatch window saved his life. It slowed him down just enough.

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I had trouble visualizing this one. I thought the van had a left and right rear door. It doesn't, it was a hatchback. The front wheel broke and the forks bent on the rear bumper, causing the bumper to fling out left and right. The bike punched a bike shaped impact on the rear hatch, and pushed it to the backseat. The rider launched through the rear hatch window, and into the front seat (and back seat), and stayed in the van. Probably bounced off the van's interior roof. The bike rebounded, exiting the vehicle, and skidding to a stop on the side of the road.

The rear window must have been intact when he hit it. Frankly, the rear hatch window saved his life. It slowed him down just enough.

Kinda like this?


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My guess...when you're doing over 100mph and a minivan doing 65 switches into your lane you don't have much time to do anything besides say, "Oh shit!"

then you aren't paying attention... I've been in triples and had vans cut me off, I rock the brakes and hit my exit lane (usually hard shoulder on one side or the other)

if you're going to ride fast, you should have quick reflexes and pay damn good attention.

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So, at what speed do you forgive a car for cutting you off? When someone checks the mirror and sees you 400' behind them then they're not going to see you as a threat. However, if you're doing 150mph then you will probably still wind up hitting them unless you had a plan B.

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That I agree with. I always shake my head when I see those guys that fly through traffic constantly switching lanes. Hell I don't even like to pass someone on the eight on I75 even when its completely clear but they are going slower and won't get over. I usually follow for a de minutes before shopping a year and hurrying up to get by them. I always worry that they will finally decide to get over once I try to pass which has happened before.

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I am guessing he was going a lot faster than 100mph. A witness said that the van was doing about 65, so in order to make an impact like that and do the damage that was done I am guessing he was well into the mid to upper 100's.

maybe....i would say 120-130 is more realistic...that still gives him 60ish mph impact into van...i really dont see him surviving 100mph impact (assuming he was doing 150 plus and van doing 65)

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Looking at the damage there, I wouldn't have thought he would have survived at all. Still, Looks like WELL into 3-figs, assuming the van was going the legal speed.

Still, hope he makes it. And then either wises up or gives up on riding. When you're being THAT dumb and you're THAT lucky then you'd better head on over to your place of worship and start making with the "Thank-yous"...

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then you aren't paying attention... I've been in triples and had vans cut me off, I rock the brakes and hit my exit lane (usually hard shoulder on one side or the other)

if you're going to ride fast, you should have quick reflexes and pay damn good attention.

Hey, don't tell me that. I didn't end up in the back of a minivan. :D

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