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hand gun v. shotgun v. rifle


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  redkow97 said:
yeah, i think i'm sold on the shotgun, as much as the wife will hate it, I think she'll hateit more if I shoot through our wall and kill a neighbor while defending us...

So 12 gauge it is.

now what ammo do I use? I'd like to play with slugs in someone's back yard, but i'm seeing 8 pellet, 9 pellet, 27 pellet, etc. cartridges, and I have no idea what I want for home defense, clays, etc.

I would use number 7 bird shot for playing around (skeet and trap) and at least 00 buck shot for home defense. Make sure you shoot both through it so you know what to expect.

Remember the shorter the barrel and more open the choke the faster the pattern will spread. Great for close range bad for longer range.

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  kawi kid said:
the lifetime warranty is only for the original owner fyi

Nope - right off their homepage: "All Hi-Point firearms carry a lifetime, no-questions asked warranty. Whether you are the original purchaser, or a third-hand owner, your Hi-Point firearm will be repaired free of charge."


From what I've heard, if you have to send it in for repairs they'll send a free mag along when they return it.

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One question. Is your life really only worth $200. In a self defense situation indoors with neighbors there's only one option. PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN alternating buckshot and #2 birdshot. If the felon in your home doesn't run when you rack the gun (an unmistakable sound) then it's his bad luck. Hi points are crappy and unreliable. 22's have no knock down power. With a 12 ga loaded as described you don't have to be accurate, just close.

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  CyclesandBabes said:
One question. Is your life really only worth $200. In a self defense situation indoors with neighbors there's only one option. PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN alternating buckshot and #2 birdshot. If the felon in your home doesn't run when you rack the gun (an unmistakable sound) then it's his bad luck. Hi points are crappy and unreliable. 22's have no knock down power. With a 12 ga loaded as described you don't have to be accurate, just close.

1, I have a High Point as well as many other high end guns, It has NEVER let me down and it gets shot more than the others so as to not put the wear on the nice ones. You've never owned one have you?

2, 22 is just a lethal as any other unless you just suck at aiming.

3,Shot gun is not the "only option" in fact my shotguns are not even loaded and readily available my 22 and 40 are.

You sound some what ignorant to me and I will bet I drop someone with my P22 faster than you do with a shotgun. I've been in a carjacking and a home invasion and have been shot 3 times and have shot another human being I know what I'm talking about, do you?

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This suddenly got really good on the last page. Lol. As far as hi point goes... my dad has one he won in a card game and I have shot it a lot. It's a bit bulky but I have never had a jam or misfire. However comma I prefer my other weapons over the hi point. It's all personal preference when it comes to fire arms. At least one of each is my preference.:)

Edited by alab32
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  redkow97 said:
I've actually considered a revolver due to the simplicity of the design.

as a home defense weapon, you have to leave it loaded so it's ready any time. I'm sure I'm not hte first person to think, "isn't leaving the spring compressed in the magazine all the time kind of a bad idea?"

a revolver has no such issue, but I have been led to believe that rimfire ammo is less reliable.

six of one, 1/2 dozen of another?

:wtf: The .38 round is not rimfire. Anything bigger than .22 is center fire.

  Sidewinder600 said:
Nope - right off their homepage: "All Hi-Point firearms carry a lifetime, no-questions asked warranty. Whether you are the original purchaser, or a third-hand owner, your Hi-Point firearm will be repaired free of charge."


From what I've heard, if you have to send it in for repairs they'll send a free mag along when they return it.

I had one given to me that jammed a bunch. Called Hi-point, sent it in and had it back in 2 weeks with a whole new slide and trigger and it worked perfectly. Also got a free magazine and ghost sights. Cant say enough about their warranty and service. Not a pretty gun, but functional.

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For the record I have worked in gun shops for more than 20 years. I have LOTS of experience and have owned or shot just about everything out there. HiPoints are junk, plain and simple. In a self defense situation a well placed shot with a 22 is a miracle shot. Most of the other options will penetrate walls and put holes in your neighbors. Based on the original post the shotgun is the best choice. OO buckshot puts 9 BIG holes in something with one pull of the trigger. A whole lot more with #2 shot. A self defense scenario should focus on putting down the intruder as quick as possible, PERIOD.

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I as well as most others here know that gun shops, LE and military all allow morons in their ranks. If they didn't they'd be in violation of the EOE laws. ;)

I've been in the situations that have been talked about so I speak from experience. The things you listed do not show experience, they sound more like a sense of self entitlement and over inflated ego. But then again I tend to be judgmental so who knows you could be an alright guy so maybe I'll send you an invite to the next shoot I have out here and you can be judged by your actions and ability instead of your words. I doubt you'll show as it seems you signed on here to promote your models but if you do you better bring your A game because there will be 20-30 damn good shooters here. Most from gun shop, LE and military backgrounds and at least 2 that engage targets a mile out.

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