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Grind free dance zone?

kawi kid

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I dunno. Its a high school, not a dance club. I'm not usually big on cutailing how one has their fun, but I shouldn't be able to walk into a high school auditorium and think I walked into a club on W.6th St. It's just like anything else. How is it enforced, and who gets made an example of.

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I dunno. Its a high school, not a dance club. I'm not usually big on cutailing how one has their fun, but I shouldn't be able to walk into a high school auditorium and think I walked into a club on W.6th St. It's just like anything else. How is it enforced, and who gets made an example of.

Said in the article that they get wristbands and if they are caught doing the do they lose their band. That shows who has had warnings, if they are caught bumping uglies with out a wristband then they know they have been told once already and they are tossed out.

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That being said, my HS dances were never like that. :(:lol:
Time's have certainly changed! Kids a a LOT more bold about this stuff than ever before.

Yeah tell me about, I wanna go back to high school :D

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if your daughter knows better than it shouldnt be an issue.

That's a huge part of it. If they brought up right, the kid, boy OR girl, should never be in this kind of situation. Although parenting only goes so far. You just hope that when it comes down to it, your kids will ultimately make the right decision.

and chevy i have hopes your daughter grows up to kick any dudes ass that tries it :lol:

Hell yes she will be. She will be brought up with high standards, morales and self respect. She'll be able to work on her own car, be dead accurate with firearms, be self self sufficient and be able to defend herself against anything. Whether it is a boy trying to take advantage of her on a date or someone breaking into her apartment, she will not go down without a fight. Of course, I'm sure you figured as much Kawi.

She was playing in a bounce house one time, 2 or 2 1/2 at the time I think. A boy who was 5 kept pushing her. Finally she pulled back and slugged him. He quit bothering her. That was a proud day for me. She didn't start it and gave him a chance to stop but then ended it herself.

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When I was in HS (not long ago) we had a "space" rule at our dances....then again, girls weren't as slutty when I was in HS, much to my chagrin. That being said, my daughter will NOT be partaking in any of this bullshit, because she will be raised and taught to have self-respect for herself.

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The people on this site have high standards as parents, as parents should. That's obvious, but not always the case. Like Chevy said, "parenting only goes so far". Overall, it's in the music. It gets people rowdy and in the mood. If your 15 year old is listening to David Banner (which I like btw) you as a parent might have an issue. You don't get "used condoms in the middle of the dance floor" from listening to Garth Brooks for example.

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