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Thoughts on a TL1000S?


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Hey Scottie, dude... Buy this piece of shit:


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That way when you wad it up under 1000 miles, I can buy it back and race the freakin thing. It would be pussy of you to buy anything less.

Twist it to the stops and let 'er eat. PM me for my contact info though before you roll out.

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And once again the old stand-bys jinu and IP save an otherwise fail filled thread from the OP. Oh, and Brian, are ya gonna eat that pretzel bit? I's hungry and would like a nibble of your snot encrusted Aunt Annie's nasal projectile.

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  jbot said:
i've always told you how much of a bitch bike you have. it goes well with your bitch lips. You definitely need AT LEAST 752cc or moar. otherwise, you're just another bitch construction cone on the street, getting in my bitchin' way.

You see, I need those extra cc's when I get on those bad ass back road rides when I'm going like 85-90mph. When I slam on the brakes for the posted 45mph corner coming up, and everyone on else in the group disappears from view, I'm all like "nuh uh brah" and pop it in 2nd, and throw her in "sideways". after panic braking through the apex, the group is only like a half mile away. That's when those extra CC's come in... I have to catch up somehow.

bahahaha is it sad that this pretty much describes me exactly from last saturday...well some of the time anyway :cry:

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  Bad324 said:
bahahaha is it sad that this pretty much describes me exactly from last saturday...well some of the time anyway :cry:

At least you're not starting threads thinking that you need a liter bike. Next thing you know, he'll be out looking at booooosa's!

But what do I know, I have a 250 and a 500, and don't use all they have to offer. :dunno:

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  jporter12 said:
At least you're not starting threads thinking that you need a liter bike. Next thing you know, he'll be out looking at booooosa's!

But what do I know, I have a 250 and a 500, and don't use all they have to offer. :dunno:

That's because your a pussy.

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  TaRR said:
That's because your a pussy.

Maybe. I get a lot closer to using up the bike on group rides, where I can follow and learn, and have the someone there in case I really screw up. I ride closer to 80% of my abilities on group rides, compared to about 60%70% whne out by myself, on roads that I don't know all that well.

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  scottie.harris said:
Seriously? ive already said im no pro but not a newbie and that im looking at gsxr600's-750's not 1000's. Ive said more than enough to make my point clear, but please continue brian and entertain me.

TaRR ill take you up on that offer to coshocton.

Problem here is denial. You may have some "time and miles", but that alone doesn't make you a "veteran rider" by any means. From what the people that have experience riding with you, newbie is a great descriptor. The comments and descriptions paint a picture of a rider that will EASILY get in over their head and surprisingly, you haven't already. Even on the old, pussy riders only need to apply, pile of slow turd you own now. Your essential tag of the Katana - not ours...

Until you develop your ability, a GSXR or any current geny 600 is too much for you and your mindset. Not to mention you are by no means ready for a "vagina melting" 750.

Do the whole community of fellow riders a favor and get to a few track days and learn some things before you become a statistic.

You're a newbie, son. Wake up.

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Scottie, how long have you been riding on the street? Off road experience doesn't count. I'm going to guess less than 2 years. That's not long enough to outgrow your bike, unless you ride hard on some serious roads every day. Commuting doesn't count, unless you commute through some "good" roads.

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This thread is epic.

I'm with Brian (weird!) on this one. Please go out and get a 2011 GSX-R 750...be sure to have liability only, then let me buy your wrecked bike with less than 500 miles on it to track out next year.

Scottie - You'd probably be better off taking your no-riding ass over to another board where they will tell you want you want to hear and stroke your ego. This site is for local riders in Ohio and we take pride in riding and don't take too kindly to idiots that give us a bad name. Shut the fuck up or get the fuck out...it is that simple.

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  scottie.harris said:
jporter i have had the katana since april this year, i ride everyday rain or shine. My commuting distance is about an hour. but honestly... after thinking while smoking a cigar(i dont smoke), i think im done with motorcycles.

Wait? Wut?

Dude, you're going about this AAAALLLLLL wrong. Don't quit riding. Take the Kat back to stock height and throw some tires and gearing on there and it will be a different bike. Learn to rail the fuck out of it, then move up when you're ready.

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  scottie.harris said:
jporter i have had the katana since april this year, i ride everyday rain or shine. My commuting distance is about an hour. but honestly... after thinking while smoking a cigar(i dont smoke), i think im done with motorcycles.

Wow! I didn't know I had that much influence!

Thanks a lot. I must really suck. I've been riding a whole year longer than you, and have no where NEAR the skills that you do. :cry:

  CattaniAFJ said:
Wait? Wut?

Dude, you're going about this AAAALLLLLL wrong. Don't quit riding. Take the Kat back to stock height and throw some tires and gearing on there and it will be a different bike. Learn to rail the fuck out of it, then move up when you're ready.

Seriously. This. ^^^

  JRMMiii said:
I think I'm done riding too, at least in Ohio. All the people that ride bikes in Ohio seem like pricks.

Good, that will keep you squid Suzuki riders from giving the rest of us that don't know how to ride a bad name. :banana:

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  scottie.harris said:
Then you get those who stay on a 750 their whole life cus their pussies.

No i have respect for bikes, im ready to move up so stfu.

Dude you are a fucking tard. You started a thread asking advice and when people gave you their honest opinion you began arguing why your better than that. You have displayed your extensive knowledge in nothing several times on here. Now your going to tell us to STFU. You SHUT THE FUCK UP! If you did you wouldn't be proving to everyone on here how stupid you are.

You claim to be tired of 600 power so you need a bigger sport bike yet you own an entry level touring bike with handle bars instead of clip ons. Riding a buddies bike does not give you frame of reference you have no idea what your talking about.

There is nowhere around here where your going to push a 600 beyond its limits. Especially not legally. There are only a handful of tracks in the Midwest where experienced riders top out 600's. For primarily street use a 750 is pretty much perfect. The stuff a larger bike will do will only get you in trouble or hurt. I ride a 1000rr and I can honestly say its too much for riding around here. It requires constant throttle control. Cruising in a 55mph zone if your not paying close attention you can end up doing 80 without realizing it. You obviously don't have throttle control from your previous posts. Dumpin da clutch an gettin it sidewayz just trashes the bike. Just because you aren't scared doesn't mean your a good rider. Sounds like your a straight line rider not a sport bike rider.

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honestly yea i prefer a drag strip, but the hills are still fun to, ive been a gsxr fan from the get go. reason being that i shouldnt ride is because everyone(including those who rode csba with me) says i cant ride worth a shit and am luckey i havent crashed and died yet. so maybe its a hint. 2/3 csba rides i had a passanger, and not once would i push to where i wasnt comfortable, with a passanger i ride towards the back.

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So you've been on 3 CSBA rides. Any other spirited group rides, through some twisties?

It sounds like you have gotten a taste of how much fun it can be, and that the Katana is probably limitiing you, but more because it is lowered. Put it back to stock, and ride it for a while. It is a faster bike than I ride, and I seriously don't think you're faster than me through the turns. The time I rode with you on the CSBA ride, you blew past me on the straights, but you didn't have any corner speed.

I'm not saying you suck, as much as saying that you have a lot more to learn than you think you do. I'm a newbie still at the end of my second riding season. I have a LOT to learn, lot's of good habits to develop, things that I know work, but just don't come naturally to me. The guys around here DO know how to ride, and many of them ride really well. I'm sure many of them would be happy to give you pointers while out on a group ride. I also bet that if you chill out, and seriously ask, you could get help with bringing your bike back to stock, and setting up the suspension.

Your bike is not your limitation, how you use it is your limitation.

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