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Anybody have an airbag laying around?


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I have an idea for the coyotes....

As long as its for the yotes. There have been allot of people seriously hurt by the airbag pranks. We were going to do build one into a couch in college until someone else pulled the stunt first and basically fractured some kids neck/back.

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Flounder why do you always gotta be the debbie downer lol

Ive had my fair share of things that have almost ended very badly and could have ruined my life both from legal and $$ standpoints. I did more than my fair share of dumb stuff that looking back on now, Im lucky I did kill someone, kill myself, or end up in jail. Im only informing people to try and save others the mistakes I made or almost made when I was younger.

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I used to design and develop airbags for a living. That guy was lucky he didnt end up parralized. The inflator in those things are based on rocket fuel and its a controled explosion when they get set off. It's nothing to mess with for a prank. Take the same care with them as you would a handgun.

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We set them off here at our auto classes, to demonstrate that it's not a toy and will kill you if it has the chance. I watched one fire into the air about 50-60 feet, and down range a considerable distance. And it's rather loud.

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We set them off here at our auto classes, to demonstrate that it's not a toy and will kill you if it has the chance. I watched one fire into the air about 50-60 feet, and down range a considerable distance. And it's rather loud.

Yeah we have set them off before. Pretty amazing to watch them shoot into the air. Seat belt tensioners are crazy to watch them cinch down and then realize that happens with you in the seat!

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WTF!!?!?! and those things hit you in the face?

Only after they are fully inflated (assuming you don't sit 6" from the wheel)

Watch crash test videos on youtube and you'll see. If you were hit by one while it was still inflating then you're gonna have a rough time.

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