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6 near highsides... :wtf: cold track?

It was cool, but not cold, mid 60s.

3 of them were right at apex of turn 2. There was a fine line to where and how I could get on the gas in that corner and I crossed it. It was a banked left hander. I started getting the hang of it But had one more slide in it Sunday when the pace was stepped up.

Had one in turn 1, just trying to get on the gas at exit.

Considering this was the first time I really started to try and push that 1k not to bad. I may have to make a change to riding style a bit and move to the later exit to get the bike off the side of the tire more and use more of the gas. Coming out of the corner trying to roll the gas on extremely early like on the 600 could be disasterous. One slide was initiated by bump when i was a foot or so off line, but was very minimal. 2nd was trying to get back on the gas in the Chicane after running in too deep.

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Bridgestones seemed to behave good if i was able to save those slides. Exit grip was never a problem (should be later once I get a butt pad on the back to keep me up on the seat) only just too much coming off Maintenance Throttle caused slides.

If the track had more then one Right hander the tires would last longer.

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Bridgestones seemed to behave good if i was able to save those slides. Exit grip was never a problem (should be later once I get a butt pad on the back to keep me up on the seat) only just too much coming off Maintenance Throttle caused slides.

If the track had more then one Right hander the tires would last longer.

There's a lot of right handers at Barber. Turn 2 is a LONG right hander, turn 3 up and over the crest, out of the corkscrew, off the back straight, big long righty before pit in... More rights than lefts, actually...

If you had highside issues out of one and two, you have set-up issues or plain ol' ham fisting issues...

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There's a lot of right handers at Barber. Turn 2 is a LONG right hander, turn 3 up and over the crest, out of the corkscrew, off the back straight, big long righty before pit in... More rights than lefts, actually...

If you had highside issues out of one and two, you have set-up issues or plain ol' ham fisting issues...

Tally not barber.

But all my rear slides were just a bit too much throttle.

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Ahhhhh.... there's still more than 1 righty, though...

No there isn't...

Turn 1 left then a slight bend right (less the 10 degrees of lean) Never leave full tuck.

T2 (I don't count the slight bend) the banked Bowl to the left.

Another slight bend T3 that I just straight shot to my braking zone for the only Right turn T4 Decreasing corner.

T5 is a increasing radius off camber left that leads on to the back straight.

The chicane you lean in right straigthen up through the right then back left through then stay leaned over left onto the front straight.

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No there isn't...

Turn 1 left then a slight bend right (less the 10 degrees of lean) Never leave full tuck.

T2 (I don't count the slight bend) the banked Bowl to the left.

Another slight bend T3 that I just straight shot to my braking zone for the only Right turn T4 Decreasing corner.

T5 is a increasing radius off camber left that leads on to the back straight.

The chicane you lean in right straigthen up through the right then back left through then stay leaned over left onto the front straight.

I forgot they run it counter clockwise now and teh addition they built... I'm old. They way it used to be was clockwise and a lot tighter... Wondered why the lap times were so much faster!!

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Depends on series, travel distance, etc... $7k for a year even at the regional club level is CHEAP and probably falls short...

I second that one. The first year my ex started to try to race we probably spent close to 25K. But that was going to early track days at barber, buying tons of equipment, protection, mods for the bike, etc. THANK GOD I can spend my $$$ on me now. Yay!!!

You boys have had quite a "conversation" since I last posted. Glad u got it worked out!!!

And NinjaNick....even if I don't need a back protector for the novice group I'm ever so fearful of going down and want all the protection I can get!!!;)

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I forgot they run it counter clockwise now and teh addition they built... I'm old. They way it used to be was clockwise and a lot tighter... Wondered why the lap times were so much faster!!

It was a fun layout though, but luckily was a fairly easy to learn considering I was in the 1:06 range by second session, and 1:05.2 by the fourth (last session of the day).

Then my first session of Sunday we got into a group of 6 of us with Joe and Dave and we all ran the rest of the session in the high 1:03 range. Dang that was a fun session.

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