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What is your maximum time to wait on date to be ready?


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If it's ok for a woman to spend more than 10 mins modifying her appearance then it should be ok for men to 'modify' their finances and career on the date in order to have a better chance 'to remember us by' after we pork you and don't call you ever again.

Why yes, I AM a doctor, with a boat, and a condo at Lake Tahoe.

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No one said anything about putting mounds of make-up on, Im talking about hair. I am oh so anal about my hair. Also what I'm wearing. The first hour may be me just thinking about what to wear. What you guys don't realize is if we are going out on a date we have to wear something youll remember us by. It's the nature of the beast.

Then set aside the correct amount of time. If you know you have a date at 7pm, don't wait until 6pm to start getting ready if it takes you forever. Maybe start getting ready at like noon. That gives you plenty of time to get ready, not like what your wearing, change 10 times, redo your hair 7 times and fix your makeup 4 times. You should be able to know enough about yourself to be able to plan ahead for the date.

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Then set aside the correct amount of time. If you know you have a date at 7pm, don't wait until 6pm to start getting ready if it takes you forever. Maybe start getting ready at like noon. That gives you plenty of time to get ready, not like what your wearing, change 10 times, redo your hair 7 times and fix your makeup 4 times. You should be able to know enough about yourself to be able to plan ahead for the date.

THIS, kinda what I was saying earlier. Let her know if she needs more time, set the date for later, or get ready earlier.

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If you actually like the girl, then you're going to have to impose consequences without being the bad guy.

Start planning dates with firm deadlines.

If the movie is at 9:15, and you haven't left the house by 9:00, you're going to have to bite your tongue hard and play nice. "sorry babe, but we're not going to be able to make the movie. I'm just gonna head home" (or skip right to the sex).

same w/ dinner - start going places that require a reservation, and when she's running late, tell her you've missed the reservation and will have to hit up applebees - then when she complains about waiting at applebees, if you're feeling ballsy, you can make some remark about how they're still an hour and 40 minutes quicker at getting ready than she is - just be prepared to duck if you go that route; and don't plan on getting lucky.

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If you actually like the girl, then you're going to have to impose consequences without being the bad guy.

Start planning dates with firm deadlines.

If the movie is at 9:15, and you haven't left the house by 9:00, you're going to have to bite your tongue hard and play nice. "sorry babe, but we're not going to be able to make the movie. I'm just gonna head home" (or skip right to the sex).

same w/ dinner - start going places that require a reservation, and when she's running late, tell her you've missed the reservation and will have to hit up applebees - then when she complains about waiting at applebees, if you're feeling ballsy, you can make some remark about how they're still an hour and 40 minutes quicker at getting ready than she is - just be prepared to duck if you go that route; and don't plan on getting lucky.

I agree with this.

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Then set aside the correct amount of time. If you know you have a date at 7pm, don't wait until 6pm to start getting ready if it takes you forever... You should be able to know enough about yourself to be able to plan ahead for the date.

Is there an echo in here?? ;)

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Me, I usually take at least 2 hours to get ready. Whats wrong with a little anticipation? It'll be worth it in the end to see the finished product. Be glad you even have a date, so quit your bitching you sissy.. :)

I got better things to do than sit around and wait for some high maintenance chick to take her sweet ass time gettin' ready...and no, it's not worth it. There are other chicks that can get ready a whole lot faster.

Personally I don't like make up or done up girls. I love the natural rolled out of bed and threw a ball cap on with jeans and a tee shirt look.

If she's gotta do all that she's hiding something and sooner or later you'll roll over and see it so move on to a different girl, low maintenance and natural beauty.

I agree with you 100%.

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I cant make suggestions unless you post pics of this broad sans clothes.

Not to mention, thats allot of time to get ready for an outfit thats going to end up balled on on the floor of my living room or truck and a hairdo thats just going to get messed up and pulled in the thrills of the moment.

Just saying.

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