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Would this be insensitive or profiteering?


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Glock sales were up something like 65% in Ohio after the shooting. AZ had big numbers too.


Why did they show a Glock 26 in this news story? Cant they ever get it right?

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Why did they show a Glock 26 in this news story? Cant they ever get it right?

are you that OCD? A man shot a woman in the head with a handgun that happened to be a Glock. Are you expecting that the news coverage use the actual serialed number weapon, or would the news coverage not make any sense with a different model of Glock since there's clearly no way that a Glock 26 could inflict that kind of damage, but a Glock 19 might.

I understand you sell Glocks, and as such you probably have a special appreciation for them. Still, get over yourself.

Edited by Cheech
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A little girl lost her life.


Too many people will not get the joke and tie it to making a mockery of the shooting.

a little girl's life was TAKEN by an individual who was failed by the mental health system long before any firearms entered the equation.

But yes, I agree that people will make the wrong connection and it will cause more negative publicity than it's worth.

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Is that a Glock 33rnd high-cap magazine in your pocket or are you happy to see me?

can someone confirm or debunk somethign I heard on the radio?

the day of the shooting, I heard a report that the one woman tried to wrestle away his mag while he was reloading. she did, but he had another.

After he reloaded though, I heard a report that the gun jammed, and THAT is when he was wrestled to the ground. Those high capacity mags have a tendency to jam more often, don't they?

So this 31 round mag (or whatever) they're harping on may actually have contributed to STOPPING the guy (in a weird, roundabout way)?

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Have not seen that version. There are two versions I have seen.....he dropped the mag and she grabbed it...or she grabbed his arm as he was trying to reload, at that point two men jumped him. Never have I seen anything that said he pulled a second mag and finished reloading and nothing about a jam.

After some googling I am finding reports of what you are saying.


Edited by Tonik
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are you that OCD? A man shot a woman in the head with a handgun that happened to be a Glock. Are you expecting that the news coverage use the actual serialed number weapon, or would the news coverage not make any sense with a different model of Glock since there's clearly no way that a Glock 26 could inflict that kind of damage, but a Glock 19 might.

I understand you sell Glocks, and as such you probably have a special appreciation for them. Still, get over yourself.

Its called accuracy in reporting. I expect thats why they go to school right?

Dont be a dick, of course I wasnt expecting that. But an accurate representation of the weapon used would be nice right? What if they just showed and AK47? Would that have been ok too? They are both guns right?

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...Dont be a dick, of course I wasnt expecting that. But an accurate representation of the weapon used would be nice right? What if they just showed and AK47? Would that have been ok too? They are both guns right?

Cheech is a good guy. Shooter used a Glock, they showed a Glock. All Glocks look the same. In fact, from 5 feet or more, most auto pistols look alike.

...@8mm: do you have a storefront, or are you operating from your home?

Answer the question, dick. :D

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i don't think it's too much to ask to get the model of the gun right, but i also wouldn't get up in arms about it.

it's pretty much the same thing as when the movie you're watching has a ducati or aprilia on screen and they use the sound from a gsxr. it's irritating, but not the end of the world.

or, it is, and you go fucking batshit crazy and start screaming in the theatre while roflcoptering your penis as you urinate. everyone within a 10 ft radius is fucking soaked, but fuck them, they were talking during the previews.

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i don't think it's too much to ask to get the model of the gun right, but i also wouldn't get up in arms about it.

it's pretty much the same thing as when the movie you're watching has a ducati or aprilia on screen and they use the sound from a gsxr. it's irritating, but not the end of the world.

or, it is, and you go fucking batshit crazy and start screaming in the theatre while roflcoptering your penis as you urinate. everyone within a 10 ft radius is fucking soaked, but fuck them, they were talking during the previews.

Bi-polar much??

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i don't think it's too much to ask to get the model of the gun right, but i also wouldn't get up in arms about it.

it's pretty much the same thing as when the movie you're watching has a ducati or aprilia on screen and they use the sound from a gsxr. it's irritating, but not the end of the world.

or, it is, and you go fucking batshit crazy and start screaming in the theatre while roflcoptering your penis as you urinate. everyone within a 10 ft radius is fucking soaked, but fuck them, they were talking during the previews.

I absolutely love your posts..I almost shot soda outta my nose reading that. Rep to you. I think it is such bullshit how some politicians turn every shooting tragedy into a rally cry for more gun control.

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