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New Kentucky Law?


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I'm on board... we just need some sort of system (maybe stars? ID cards?) to identify the whole class of people who are poor so we can begin to concentrate them in a certain area, we'll call it a camp, for internment -- transporting them by train is probably the most cost-effective method.

the whole idea of Nazis started in my head while reading through this thread ... and then I came to your post. so glad im not the only one who see's it... i think its because at the end of the day, its simply not American.

although in my private dark dreams I don't disagree with the premise!

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the whole idea of Nazis started in my head while reading through this thread ... and then I came to your post. so glad im not the only one who see's it... i think its because at the end of the day, its simply not American.

although in my private dark dreams I don't disagree with the premise!

its not american to try and prevent losers from sucking the system dry?

what is "american" to you? supporting drug habits of wellfare moms and their crack babies?

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its not american to try and prevent losers from sucking the system dry?

what is "american" to you? supporting drug habits of wellfare moms and their crack babies?

I'm waiting to hear your solution. Hating on an idea is the easy part... so present your solution and I'll tell you why it sucks

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I'm waiting to hear your solution. Hating on an idea is the easy part... so present your solution and I'll tell you why it sucks

Tie the Ohio Pride card to certain, specific, nutritionally-sound generic food items. Then eliminate cash payouts. You want cell phones, cars, and tats then get a fucking job.

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No welfare for nothing. There are plenty of public services folks can do to earn their keep. Make welfare something that actually benefits everyone. That way' date=' the 'poor' can earn the money that we give them and the tax payer can see the return in their investment. If the welfare recipient has children, they are either to be in school or the state can watch them while that recipient earns a living. If you don't show for work, you get 'fired' from the system. No drug tests. No alcohol tests. None of that government interference. If you can smoke a bowl at night and go to work in the morning.. then so be it.

The 'solutions' aren't difficult. They're just unpopular and don't win elections.[/quote']

Rep to you! Yes! Produce? Smoke it up.

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I'm waiting to hear your solution. Hating on an idea is the easy part... so present your solution and I'll tell you why it sucks

i already posted my solution on the first page.

drug testing and BC shots a requirement for wellfare...if you dont want to submit to either, thats your right, but you wont receive assistance.

but i think the statement that asking people to take drug tests before mooching off the government is not "american" makes no sense to me

i want her to explain what is american to her...im sure she can think for herself without you jumping in to speak for her

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i already posted my solution on the first page.

drug testing and BC shots a requirement for wellfare...if you dont want to submit to either, thats your right, but you wont receive assistance.

but i think the statement that asking people to take drug tests before mooching off the government is not "american" makes no sense to me

i want her to explain what is american to her...im sure she can think for herself without you jumping in to speak for her

I'm not speaking for anyone, I'm just asking some questions. Who pays for the drug testing? Can you reapply once you're clean? Who pays for the second, third, fourth..tests? How do you get welfare as a single male when you want to require a BC shot? Where do you draw the line dictating what hoops these people have to jump through to get assistance?

It's funny how people complain about having to have car insurance, for example, because all it does is punish the law abiding citizens, yet it's ok to make people jump through all these hoops to get assistance because the assumption is the majority are abusing and defrauding the system. Why is THAT the beginning premise?

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Tie the Ohio Pride card to certain, specific, nutritionally-sound generic food items. Then eliminate cash payouts. You want cell phones, cars, and tats then get a fucking job.

Closer and more practical, but you're still in a circular argument. How do you get a job without a car? How is your employer supposed to contact you if you don't have a phone? How can you legitimately afford any of this stuff on minimum wage? You buy a sh*tty car, it breaks down, you can't afford to fix it and get fired from your job for not showing up. Cycle starts all over again.

You could take the bus right? Well, what if the only job you can find is 3 or 4 miles from the closest stop and you aren't able-bodied enough to make that trek every day, esp. in the winter?

Like I said, why is the assumption that people are abusing the system? Does anyone actually know what percentage of people are defrauding the system? And of that, how many fraudulent applicants would be caught with the proposed measures? Using Tb's example, the guy he knows just doesn't claim income... How do you stop that?

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michigan had drug testing for welfare recipients. of the 268 people tested, 21 failed the drug test. only THREE were for something OTHER than marijuana (crack, meth etc)

you're right guys. it really IS an epidemic of mass proportions.

THREE people sucking the system dry.

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Closer and more practical, but you're still in a circular argument. How do you get a job without a car? How is your employer supposed to contact you if you don't have a phone? How can you legitimately afford any of this stuff on minimum wage? You buy a sh*tty car, it breaks down, you can't afford to fix it and get fired from your job for not showing up. Cycle starts all over again.

You could take the bus right? Well, what if the only job you can find is 3 or 4 miles from the closest stop and you aren't able-bodied enough to make that trek every day, esp. in the winter?

Like I said, why is the assumption that people are abusing the system? Does anyone actually know what percentage of people are defrauding the system? And of that, how many fraudulent applicants would be caught with the proposed measures? Using Tb's example, the guy he knows just doesn't claim income... How do you stop that?

Then go to the "government cheese" model with transportation as well. Taxi tokens, housing voutures, but not cash. Do greater than 50% of recipients abuse the system? Probably not. Don't really know, and if we did, I don't think we would do anything about it. It's the anecdotes that piss us off. The cart full of stuff that we don't buy because it's not a good value; the I-phone on the ear being held by the hand full of bling attached to the arm full of tats holding the designer purse.... that's what gets the blood boiling. How dare people be permitted to spend your hard-earned money that way. Government cheese, my friend. Self respect? Dignity? "Rights of the consumer"? Check it at the door when you sign up for the give-aways.

Edit: I'm also referring to the able-bodied here. I do not include the elderly, MRDD, or the legitimately disabled in my rant. A society with a conscience will not allow those that need help to go without. But we need to define "need" a little more carefully.

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You see this often? Firsthand?

Just last week at Giant Eagle. The exact scenario. I had plenty of time to study the situation as she was arguing that she didn't use the card yet, so she didn't know why it didn't have any money left. Her man was with her talking on his I-phone. When she wasn't getting her way with the young cashier, she pulled out her I-phone and dialed someone so that she could cuss and swear about how stupid this cashier was. Where I live, I see it every time I walk in the Grocery store.

Edit: By the way, the bling-bitch was white and the young cashier was black. So don't go down the bigotry road.

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Government cheese, my friend. Self respect? Dignity? "Rights of the consumer"? Check it at the door when you sign up for the give-aways.

I'm also a little disturbed that you think people should give up their dignity and self respect just because they've fallen on tough times.

And even if we give vouchers instead of cash, that still allows people to get free goods/services. Still wouldn't stop Tb's guy from spending his unclaimed cash on TVs and iPads instead of food and housing.

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Just last week at Giant Eagle. The exact scenario. I had plenty of time to study the situation as she was arguing that she didn't use the card yet, so she didn't know why it didn't have any money left. Her man was with her talking on his I-phone. When she wasn't getting her way with the young cashier, she pulled out her I-phone and dialed someone so that she could cuss and swear about how stupid this cashier was. Where I live, I see it every time I walk in the Grocery store.

Edit: By the way, the bling-bitch was white and the young cashier was black. So don't go down the bigotry road.

Ok, so why didn't you say something? If you're not willing to accept it on the Internet, why, when presented with a situation in real life, you wouldn't say something to the welfare queen? Why can you blanket judge someone on the Internet, but not in real life? If she was really defrauding the system you should've let her know that you don't approve of the way she's utilizing your tax dollars, no?

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I'm also a little disturbed that you think people should give up their dignity and self respect just because they've fallen on tough times.

And even if we give vouchers instead of cash, that still allows people to get free goods/services. Still wouldn't stop Tb's guy from spending his unclaimed cash on TVs and iPads instead of food and housing.

Shouldn't you? What's the motivation to emerge from tough times if there isn't stigma associated with entitlements?

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Ok, so why didn't you say something? If you're not willing to accept it on the Internet, why, when presented with a situation in real life, you wouldn't say something to the welfare queen? Why can you blanket judge someone on the Internet, but not in real life? If she was really defrauding the system you should've let her know that you don't approve of the way she's utilizing your tax dollars, no?

Wife took care of that for me. As an armed citizen, I'm cautious to start a confrontation that has a potential to escalate. But words were exchanged among the ladies.

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