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Valentines Day Ideas


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... not only does the new girl Jodi drive the planned route to work, so does her ex and my ex sooooo... I rented 2 along the way to make sure they all saw em :) $99 dollars wisely spent.

:wtf: MeewwwHaaaHaaaaHaaaHaaa :lol:

The dark side is strong in you Midget vader1.gif

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It's not evil, I really like this girl. I think....... Just ask all the rooms that surrounded ours at the show, Im sure they all heard how much we like each other :D

You're evil, good sir! Nothing like a bit of in your face, beotch...:p

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Doesn't like flowers

Chocolates make chicks fat

Doesn't want a massage

No more animals in the house, one cat is enough.

But I'm having a good time reading all these to her. She appreciates a sense of humor, but it doesn't get me off the hook. :D



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Go to Arby's get a medium roast beef sandwich. bring it home, and put an oyster in the middle and tell her to eat it without any utensils. If she does, then she can change teams and you'll never have to worry about this shit ever again. If she tells you 'Fuck off' and doesn't leave you, then you know she simply loves you for who you are, therefore gifts are unnecessary and you'll never have to worry about this shit ever again. If she leaves you, see results A and B.

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you gotta keep up with the styles these days, and anal is the new black.

Toss some glitter on that thing, make sure it's shiny. I hear she loves that.

Leave her a card when you're done. Something heartfelt. "Sorry for your loss", or similar.

V-D '11 - Done.

:lol: ive whole heartedly missed you jarvis... but not in a keeping up with the styles kinda way. just sayin.

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Lol, some of these kill me :D I'd give you some advice but I'm off the hook this year. Last night my gf asked if was going to buy her anything... I didnt know how to respond so waited for her. She said lets save the money since were buying a house and lets go out to eat Tuesday instead of Monday. She stated she hates crowds and long waits!

Don't fall for that crap. She was testing you. In woman talk that means, "You better buy me something and surprise me with it". That last part about going out Tuesday instead of Monday is a woman's manipulative way of saying she wants to spend quality alone time with you on VD. Eitherway...good luck.

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@Redkow - Why would she bitch about how YOU spend YOUR money? :dunno:

we're married; there is no "my" money except what I can carry in my wallet.

Besides, "my" money wouldn't cover the mortgage, the payment on our tow vehicle, satellite TV, utilities, grocery, and a trackday habit.

I would never admit to her that it's lopsided, but I do my fair share of superfluous spending.

If she wants an iPhone, it's not THAT expensive; especially when I spend $500/month on trackdays all summer.

as for 'making other guys look bad,' I'm not doing it to make anyone else look bad; I'm doing it because I know my wife likes it when she thinks people envy her. That sounds totally superficial, and it likely IS entirely superficial - but EVERY chick in the world wants to be envied a little.

Like I said in my earlier post, it's a combination of showing that you care, and getting her positive attention from OTHER people.

Nothing gets you laid like OTHER girls telling your wife/gf how hot/sweet you are. If they're already thinking it, then great; but women gossip and talk about this shit. To have her boss and coworkers gushing over the flowers I send her at work while they bitch about their own boyfriends makes me look that much better by comparison.

consider it a tactical move toward 2xITB

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you gotta keep up with the styles these days, and anal is the new black.

Toss some glitter on that thing, make sure it's shiny. I hear she loves that.

Leave her a card when you're done. Something heartfelt. "Sorry for your loss", or similar.

V-D '11 - Done.

:D Where you been lately Jarv??

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It's coming up soon-like, and since the best idea I can come up with for this useless Hallmark holiday was - a snow shovel for her to clean my driveway with after she's done serving me sammiches and beer.

That didn't go over well.

All she tells me is 'I like shiny things'. Which as John astutely pointed out,

I'm wholly opposed to buying jewelry, so I decided to turn to the real men and women of ORDN for suggestions of materialism or cheap experiences that Valentines Day warrants.

Thx in advance.

Might I suggest roofies & viagra... You two can decide who takes which

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Don't fall for that crap. She was testing you. In woman talk that means, "You better buy me something and surprise me with it". That last part about going out Tuesday instead of Monday is a woman's manipulative way of saying she wants to spend quality alone time with you on VD. Eitherway...good luck.

+1 yep u may be paying for it in the long run

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Don't fall for that crap. She was testing you. In woman talk that means, "You better buy me something and surprise me with it". That last part about going out Tuesday instead of Monday is a woman's manipulative way of saying she wants to spend quality alone time with you on VD. Eitherway...good luck.

Agree! those women are evil I tells ya

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