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Sunday ride!


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I did not ride. The main street near my house is clean to the concrete. However, there is still rocksalt and rocksalt dust on the roads. Plus, my driveway is still a sheet of ice, so not sure how successful I would have been to get the bike from the garage to the street.

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I RODE! Haven't been out since Mid-November, it was nice to be out!

Took both bikes up to the gas station and topped them off then took mine

for about a 20minute ride around Hilliard, just long enough to get cold :D

BTW, I was surprised but both bikes fired right up without hesitation,

no battery tender on them, and neither had been started since Mid-November. I was happy.

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So I assume the guys that complain about salt don't like to wash their bikes? :rolleyes:

JK guys. I did take mine out for about 40 miles today. 20 minutes to wash it off after getting home. Could have gotten in more but I spent too much time fiddling with a mini spy camera I picked up earlier in the winter. I still can't seem to find a good place to mount it where vibration from the bike doesn't mess up the video.

I will probably ride a few more times this week also. Wed-Fri looks promising as long as the rain stays on the low side of the forecast.

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Got the Katana cleaned up and fired up... serviced. Took to the pumps about 2 miles away, brought her home and cleaned her again. She is due for delivery Friday night.

Then got the XR650l cleaned up and fired up, serviced. Took her to the pumps and turned and went the wrong way... Oops... Put about 20 miles on... Two instances of slipping on dust salt silt sinders... whatever it was. Like riding a dirt bike throuhg a corner. Brought her home and cleaned her up again. I so wanted to ride to work today... Just could not bring myself to do it.

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I chipped ice several times recently just in preparation for Sunday, so I had a two-foot-wide melted spot in my driveway, which otherwise resembled a glacier.

Had to go pick up some stuff I had printed. Took the rat bike, so I don't care about salt or sand. Two miles from my house to the store. Somehow turned into a 25-mile round trip. Don't know how that happened. :)

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