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I have been receiving collection calls for Russell Lively, on my cell phone for the last two plus years.

I have repeatedly informed the collection agencies that this number is my personal cell phone number, and I am NOT Russell Lively, nor do I know this person, and to please remove this number from their system.

At what point do I hunt this little Phuckt4rd down and inform him in a very personal manner, to either pay his damn bills, or quit using my cell phone as his number? And to answer the question, I know I could find him, facebook lists him as being associated with Texas A&M, and since I'm the DBA here, I could not only pull up his personal information, but his parents, and siblings.....

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lol i still sign my house number up for EVERYTHING because i dont want people calling me....and i havent had a house phone for like 5 years or more!

**edit...just called it and its disconnected :(...guess they dont recycle home phone numbers like they do cell phones

when my dad passed, it only took them like 2 weeks to give his phone number away to some rude bitch....cell phone numbers are a free for all i guess

Edited by Steve Butters
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I'd probably go the other route and go after the collections agencies. If you've told them not to call and they still are, contact the attorney general's office.

Carie's mom keeps getting collections calls for me. Kinda took me off guard. I called them, and they said they have no records for me or her phone number. Odd.

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I use Verizon and I found out a couple of days ago from browsing the my account website that I can have numbers blocked from calling or texting my cell phone. There is no added costs to do it. Other wireless carriers may provide this service as well.

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I have been receiving collection calls for Russell Lively, on my cell phone for the last two plus years.

I have repeatedly informed the collection agencies that this number is my personal cell phone number, and I am NOT Russell Lively, nor do I know this person, and to please remove this number from their system.

At what point do I hunt this little Phuckt4rd down and inform him in a very personal manner, to either pay his damn bills, or quit using my cell phone as his number? And to answer the question, I know I could find him, facebook lists him as being associated with Texas A&M, and since I'm the DBA here, I could not only pull up his personal information, but his parents, and siblings.....

Thats some bad bull there. Shame to see an Ag fall on hard times like that. I would tell the fucktard to use a different number...

Damn I miss cheap burgers and beer at Fitzs and the chicken. :(

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I was getting calls from a collection agent that took great pride in flat out harassment and rudeness to the point he made the wife cry. He made the mistake of giving his name one day and I already knew who he worked for so with a little google help I found him, address and all. Next time he called and got smart I asked him if I could come over to his , named address, and talk to him about this bill and maybe his wife, by name, could bring us some milk and cookies.

Click and no more calls from this asswipe.

By all means mess with them back if you can.

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Dude, wait for them to call back... I offered my services to a guy on the phone one day (doing the samething). He was thrown. I flat out told him, you want them? What are they worth? He asked what I meant, I told him simple and to think about it. You cut me a check I will find them for you then cash your check. He was like I cant do that. I told him, fine then stop calling or I am going to sue you and your company for wasting my time and calling me repeatidly. He stated you could not do that, I informed him he was wrong, I work for the phone company I can pull the records and see how many times you have called my number and get you for harrassement. Your company will pay to stay out of court. He has not called back

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when my dad passed, it only took them like 2 weeks to give his phone number away to some rude bitch....cell phone numbers are a free for all i guess

Yes they are. I just found out recently I had been sending porn text messages to somebody that I don't know. They never responded until i sent a really nasty one...

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well this thread turn rather quick.. :lol:

i had the same issue with the collectors calling for another person. Its been going on with me for almost 6 years. i just don't answer anymore. One day i got sick of it cause they called excessively. I called the number back and told them that i was gonna sue them for harassment because i am not the person they are looking for. They finally took my number off and have yet to call me. So just get physical. If i knew how to spell the persons name they are looking for i would look for them. Its like Europa Abatae.. or some crazy shit like that.

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