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trip opinion


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I will be taking a road trip around july 8 thru the 15th,,The wife and I will be doing the trip together,I have no Idea of where to go or do.

My thought have been either going to Atlantic city, Mytle beach , or even Arkansas(diamond mining)...

So I am just curios of where would u go if you had the time and money to go.

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....Arkansas is too far for a week....

It's not too far, I went there for a weekend last Fall. The bad part about it is that it kinda sucks. So it's too far to go for sucky riding.

I'd go to Tennessee and North Carolina. Not only is it fairly close at around 350 miles, but the entire ride down tere can be pretty good riding. Not as crowded as upstate NY either. And cheaper to boot.

Riding through rural KY can be good if you take the right roads, food and lodging is cheap too. Same with TN and NC. Places like Gatlinburg should be avoided as tey are crowded as Hell, but a leisurely two up ride through the area could be planned and you'd not see any crowds.

And the area has some of the best riding in the USA.

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