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First gun to own


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sorry been busy the past few days. I want one to shoot for sport (target), to make sure I stay up with practice and to make sure my girl knows how to use it properly. I think its important to know how to shoot incase the world ends or incase you need to protect yourself. Its better to know how to properly use it then to look at a gun if you need to use it and say "how the frick am I going to use this thing". I went out with my buddy a month or so ago and shot his AR-15, glock (i want to say .40), and some other high powered single bolt rifle. I kinda like the feel of the glock but I have only shot 2-3 hand guns ever.

I went to the gun show over at the westland mall with a buddy his girl and mine this weekend. He kinda just left me to walk around which is ok I guess. I felt out of place being a city outdoorsy guy who isnt big into firearms. Not knowing what to look for in a gun, I have to say it was a bit intimating too.

I shoot over at blackwing a while ago with a meetup group who took a "learn how to shoot class". I think we shot Ruger Mark III. My female friend who came with me to learn was thinking about getting something for protection and one of the sales guys walked her through a bunch of guns. Maybe I'll give him a call, he seemed pretty chill and not one of those (no offense to any of your guys who are this) an uptight gun carrying republican (one of those stereotypes). I think I will head over to a few shops to rent to see what I like.

Edited by Jeepman3ski
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Be sure to consider how it feels in your hand, how it feels shooting it, and any safety features that may be important to you. I settled on my XD without ever shooting one, and I'm glad I like it. Otherwise I would be pissed at myself and looking for something else.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I took a trip to Blackwing tonight and after shooting a few I decided on an XD subcompact. I love how that sucker feels in my hands.

I do have to say that the guys over at Blackwing were great talking me through what to look for and letting me take my time with no pressure to buy right then at all.

Ill be getting on in the next month of so. Thanks everyone

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I took a trip to Blackwing tonight and after shooting a few I decided on an XD subcompact. I love how that sucker feels in my hands.

I do have to say that the guys over at Blackwing were great talking me through what to look for and letting me take my time with no pressure to buy right then at all.

Ill be getting on in the next month of so. Thanks everyone

What all did you try?

I've never bought anything from Blackwing but was in there once with my dad. He bought two guns from them and really enjoyed the experience. It's a little out of my way to go over there, so I usually hit up Vance's or Buckeye Outdoors.

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I took a trip to Blackwing tonight and after shooting a few I decided on an XD subcompact. I love how that sucker feels in my hands.

I do have to say that the guys over at Blackwing were great talking me through what to look for and letting me take my time with no pressure to buy right then at all.

Ill be getting on in the next month of so. Thanks everyone

What caliber? I have a .40, but 9mm ammo is cheaper. If you get a 9, we'll need to set up a shoot sometime, so that I can try it out!

What all did you try?

I've never bought anything from Blackwing but was in there once with my dad. He bought two guns from them and really enjoyed the experience. It's a little out of my way to go over there, so I usually hit up Vance's or Buckeye Outdoors.

I think we need to take a trip to Blackwing sometime, after talking to a friend tonight, and them telling me how good Blacking id.

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The guy who took me on the range was talking about price vs difference in round power etc and after talking to him for a bit besides the 9mm being cheaper it also isnt much different then a .40. also if the world ended I guess the 9mm is more common of a round to find.

I only had time for the sub XD 9MM and the glock 19 (I think it was). But the guy said just from watching me shoot that it looked like the XD felt more comfortable in my hands even before I said I liked it better. I have to say that it was like night and day between the two guns. I have no issue letting others try mine (when I get it) but I want to try yours too. My buddy is getting back from the sandbox on the other side of the pond this week so he said he would take me shooting with his sig sauer 228. But at the moment the XD is the way I'm going.

Question about buying: I am pretty sure Im going to buy from Blackwing but I went to a gun show a few weeks back and you can buy any gun with cash on the spot. Is there any bonus of buying a gun from either place (dealer or gunshow)?

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cinergi on CR works at blackwing, hes the first person i spoke to about what firearm to choose....i told him i liked how the XD felt in my hand and hes the one who helped me make the decision to try to find a nice XD or to wait and get an HK if i find a good deal.....ergonomics are similar, so he suggested both....just happened to come along a good deal on an HK thats why i got it - XD was my second choice....theyre good guys up there and they will try to do whats best for your interests, even if it means they might not get your business (he was suggesting to wait for a used HK, instead of trying to sell me new stuff)

i need to make a trip up there sometime to check it out

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Question about buying: I am pretty sure Im going to buy from Blackwing but I went to a gun show a few weeks back and you can buy any gun with cash on the spot. Is there any bonus of buying a gun from either place (dealer or gunshow)?

You can buy any gun with cash on the spot at a dealer too. If you buy from a reputable retail place they will take care of you should you have any issues. If you're the paranoid type that thinks the gubmint is gonna show up one day to take your guns, cash FTF leaves no paper trail. An actual dealer at a show will run the same background check the store will, and that paperwork never leaves the store anyway.

I've never found any deals at a gunshow anyway, all I see is overpriced junk.

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Have had a m&p and have 2xds like the xd much better. M&p was weird to take down didn't like the fact you had to use that little rod to flip a lever to take it down. Good choice on the xd.

That is only the case if your m&p has magazine disconnect safety without it take down is similar to others clear chamber, flip take down lever, close slide, pull trigger and remove

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First you need to evaluate your primary use? Home defense? Plinking? Concealed? If you have a spouse, will she be using at well? If yes, then it needs to fit her needs as well. Children at home creates additional needs as well, keeping it secured from them yet easily accessible to you.

In our situation I have a sigarms 45 which I wear on my hip at home, my wife started with a m&p 9mm, yet was too heavy for her to wear daily, so she recently opted for a smith & wesson 380 bodyguard/integrated laser sight she carries in a ankle holster and carries concealed with her ccw. The change to the 380 means she carries her protection much more consistently.

We have a six yr old so when we are not carrying we have a full size safe they are secured in, we have taken him to the gun range to let him see that our guns are not toys or a video game, children they need constant reminders of it as well. I can't stress that if you have children in the house you must never leave your gun unattended.

For home defense I recommend a 45 if you are familiar with handguns, less rounds available, 6-7 in most vs most 9mm hold 14-15, but the 45 does equate to better overall defense if you are a accurate shooter.

For concealed either a compact 45 or 40 if your body frame can conceal it properly. Compacts have shorter barrels which allows for less range of accuracy yet is not a factor once you realize that a concealed gun is for close quarters and most use of concealed weapons occur when in close proximity of an assailant.

I prefer sigarms myself but they do have a premium price attached to them. I suggest you go to a gun shop and try holding numerous handguns to see which feels most comfortable to you. Try to keep with a well known maker though... Name brand does mean better quality control. Your protection is worth the slight extra money you will pay for a name brand.

Regardless of the gun you choose, training is important once you have it. You need both range and retrieval training. A gun you don't know how to get out safely and quickly doesn't help you. Do you carry it loaded or do you have to cycle a round in the chamber? Some guns have external hammer that can be more dangerous if carried loaded. The hammer could possibly snag on something and release before locking possibly causing an accidental discharge.

Additionally you should remember that ever round you fire has a lawyer attached to it. So know the local laws for use of the weapon in a home defense and ccw situation. For home defense you are only allowed to protect yourself within the confines of your home once the bad guy steps out of your home you cannot legally shoot... Regardless of the legal use of a gun, you can expect a lawyer will be telling the bad guy or his family that they can sue you and they will try to persuade a jury that you were unjustified in the shoot.

But it's better to be alive than dead...


Prior Army Ranger, Sniper, Sniper instructor, CQB instructor, SERE instructor

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