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Spring ride/lunch CVNP


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Hey guys, I had been planning a ride / lunch over on dotheton.com and wanted to cross post here to see if others were interested.

I'm shooting for end of April/beginning of May.

Meet up in Akron or close in the Am, zip around the Cuyahoga valley national park for a few hours,stop off half way and shoot a few pictures, then have lunch somewhere between here and there!

I've done it in a car several times and I'm dying to do it on the bike!!

dates times and food spot is all still pending, but I did wanna see if there was any interest at all seeing as there are a lot if Cleveland and Akron guys here.

Lemme know if you are interested or have an idea for a cool food spot we can get our grub on and is bike friendly for parking/bs


Edited by Aetsh
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I'm in if I'm available. If you need any help plotting a route or picking a place to eat let me know. I know this area pretty damn well after 2 seasons of hitting the Valley at least a couple times a week

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I won't recommend him ^^ leading though.. :)

I maybe in for this, weather permitting. If the roads (potholes) are this shitty then I may not want to ride it. One of you can send me the route and I'll cage it just before the ride.

I forewarned everyone I shouldn't lead the one time to QS&L, I hate it!!! :p

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ORLY? I may be persuaded to travel into the park with you guys.

Any Richfield'ers familiar with Whitey's?

that was goin to be one of my suggestions! I love that place and am there every other thursday

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Well' date=' I work across the street, but have yet to eat there. I could come up with a route that incorporates this establishment into the ride?[/quote']

That sounds good to me. I am getting tired of meeting at Quaker State in the valley. Its about time we try something new on these valley rides.

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Never had swensons or whiteys!

Lets do it!!

I don't know cuyahoga well enough to lead.. whoever does step up :)

Which swensons? And what's whiteys?

Matt and I are oh so familiar with the falls. Those are the streets we ride.. Just sayin.

Edited by hollywood3586
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Which swensons? And what's whiteys?

Matt and I are oh so familiar with the falls. Those are the streets we ride..

Whitey's is on 21 in Richfield, just south of 303. They are famous for their burgers, fresh cut fries and chili. I love Swensons but Whiteys is a "real" burger if you ask me

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here is a map of my usual suspect roads. Its really just an outline to get started, more people will probably have better input to add.

The issue with some of these roads is they can be slow because the condition is less than ideal or its a metropark or the cops in the area suck. But i usually hit them solo or with a friend with a cruiser so I know its not gonna be a hellspeed ride when I do them


Edited by Bad324
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Which swensons? And what's whiteys?

Matt and I are oh so familiar with the falls. Those are the streets we ride.. Just sayin.

Not sure..Ive always heard of swensons from the VW guys I used to roll with..Is it like an A&W? :confused:

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Sounds like a good time. I'm in

i promise im not leading this time so we dont get stuck behind a god damn scooter and im afraid to try and pass on blind corners with 12 people behind me :p

Whitey's sounds tasty to me.

yea at this point I'm going to say it has to be a must because several people have never had it before

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Not sure..Ive always heard of swensons from the VW guys I used to roll with..Is it like an A&W? :confused:

Swensons is like a Sonic....but 600000000000x better in the burger and shake departments

Map looks so fun!!!

fun is relative for the area honestly. They suck because some arent in the best condition and some can be slow due to speed limit and LEO presence. But I love the roads because I know them well so I know where I can disregard speed limit and where I have to be careful plus they are close for after work joy rides.

For real fun thats not as close I make sure to bug the hell out Curby to take us to the fun shit south of Canton

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I might be in. Will not lead!

What might be cool is to stop off, depending on how many show, on Boston Mills rd. just after the freeway at the nice left hand curve and snap some photos.

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I might be in. Will not lead!

What might be cool is to stop off, depending on how many show, on Boston Mills rd. just after the freeway at the nice left hand curve and snap some photos.

yes....I'll convince Likwid to come and bring his camera then

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