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Wisdom Teeth Suck


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Just got mine pulled all four of them about two hours ago. Mouth still numb and can't talk which would make some people happy to hear. Apparently my face is gonna be swollen for the next two days what fun that's gonna be. Starting to get the feeling back in my face. But still feels weird, but whatever it's done and over with. I really thought that I would not need to have them removed but look who was wrong this guy. Story of my life.....

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Not looking forward to getting that done, and I have several impacted ones and I really don't want to be derailed from work right now. I wish it was covered by insurance...they would've been out seven years ago. :mad:

I have pliers and mass quantities of liquor... I'll pull them for free!:D if they get difficult I have a angle grinder!

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Did you man-up and go with the local anesthetic? Or did you cry like a little baby until they gave you the general anesthetic?

Two of mine were impacted and I still did the local.

(If I had had insurance back then it might have been different.... ;) )

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I have pliers and mass quantities of liquor... I'll pull them for free!:D if they get difficult I have a angle grinder!

Will you at least sterilize the pliers and angle grinder? Oh wait, is that what the liquor is for? :p

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I ate dinner the night of my surgery. I chewed carefully, but it wasn't that bad. Man up! ;-)

I remember listening to the CCR version of "heard it through the grape-vine" while the oral surgeon pushed on my face with his left hand, and pulled on a tooth with pliers in his right. I was gassed, but not nearly enough... I just rocked out.

the worst was right afterward in the waiting room. I was in some pretty good pain, and half in the bag from the gas, but some hot little 15 yr old (i was 16 - relax) was about to go in to get her wisdom teeth pulled, and the doctor asked me to put on a brave face, because apparently she was pretty scared.

I pulled it off pretty convincingly, and then promptly fell down the stairs on my way out of the building, right as I told my mother, "i don't understand why they made you come along to drive me home."

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They put me under with an IV sedation took like a minute and I was out felt like it went quick though. I did feel them jerking around but no pain. Told the doc afterwords and he was shocked as he'll the look in his face priceless. He said we used alot of sedation that is all he said then came home. Roommate took me feel somewhat ok now still have gauze in my mouth with tea bags they said it helps to stop the bleeding as well as the meds. Still haven't had anything to eat yet till the bleeding stops.

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yes, yes they do suck...

i only had two. My dad said I already had all the wisdom I needed. :D

They put me under with an IV sedation took like a minute and I was out

Oh shit! Laughing gas man! That is all I had. There was no laughing though. :D

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Can't wait, gotta go get mine done soon. I'll be getting all 4 out also, only 1 is impacted but it is pretty bad. The tooth is actually growing at about a 90 degree angle from normal. I'm putting it off till right after the first track day in April. It would suck to have to buy a bigger helmet to fit my squirrel cheeks in.

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It's worse if you wait too long. I spent a while on mostly liquids since I couldn't eat. I had all four out while in the Army. Two at a time with local, so stayed awake. Free is good, but one dentist was very experienced, and the other didn't have a clue.

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I was about 30 pounds lighter (200 b4, after 170) in about a week or two after I got my wisdom teeth removed. The Jello, water, and vicodin diet works great! It was nice except for having to update my wardrobe.

Sounds like a good plan. I could stand to lose a few pounds or I'm gonna have to redo my suspension setup this year for the track, lol.

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It's worse if you wait too long. I spent a while on mostly liquids since I couldn't eat. I had all four out while in the Army. Two at a time with local, so stayed awake. Free is good, but one dentist was very experienced, and the other didn't have a clue.

They gave me the option to be awake or sleep didn't want to remember a thing especially the drilling. Sleep option way better only felt like it took five minutes and no dreams. Put me out pretty quick I thought it would take awhile for it to work.

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I had my wisdom pulled while I was in the army, all six of them. Yeah, I had an extra pair on the top. This was in '04 I think and my lower lip from the center of it to the left corner of my mouth still has limited feeling, like it's half asleep. It's annoying as all get out.

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I had my wisdom pulled while I was in the army, all six of them. Yeah, I had an extra pair on the top. This was in '04 I think and my lower lip from the center of it to the left corner of my mouth still has limited feeling, like it's half asleep. It's annoying as all get out.

I was warned that nerve damage was likely. But it's not like you can just leave them in. :(

I was lucky though, no lasting effect other than a healthy fear of dentist syringe. 8 F*CKING SHOTS IN MY GUMS!!! 8!!! I swear, took so long to do the shots that by the time the last one was in I was convinced the first one would have worn off already.

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I had 3 out about 9 months ago(I was missing one) and was eating nachos and pretzels later that day, had a bottle of like 25 vicodon and only ended up using one lol, the thing that irritated me the most was the doctor left one of the stitches really long so it was touching my tongue all the time and felt like I had a hair in my mouth so I took some scissors and snipped that son of a bitch off lol

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I had four impacted wisdom teeth cut out of my head. I opted for full anesthesia just so I wouldn't know what was going on, the regular dentist is uncomfortable enough. That was awesome - I wish I could fall asleep like that every night. Nitrous going in and coming out was also a blast. Had a chipmunk face that evening but everything was back to normal by morning.

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The best bit was picking up the prescription on the way home. I tried to not talk ("Godfather" cheeks packed with cotton wool) but I couldn't help myself when the pharmacist said; "Have a nice day!" I replied "Shank you!"

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That was awesome - I wish I could fall asleep like that every night. Nitrous going in and coming out was also a blast.

haha me too, I have been put to sleep like 20 times and the part right as your going under is the most awesome feeling!

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The nerve damage will repair itself. It grows back about a millimeter a year.

I had a nasty scar that the nerve connections grew back, but it took a decade or more.

So the numbness, if any, will slowly go away.

The fun part is scratching your head and feeling it in your back.

Sometimes the connections get scrambled. They straighten out over time also.

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It's not as bad as it used to be, it's sloooooowly gotten slightly better, like you say Tom. At first I thought it was just really good Novocaine that they had used but after a few days and I was still numb, I knew they jacked up the nerves.

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I had all 4 pulled (1 impacted). The nurse had to turn up the gas, then i REALLY got the effect. It was over with real fast & I could hear the dentist breaking the impacted tooth. I drove myself & it sucked asking the cute pharmacist in hand language to "fill up a damn pill bottle" with gauze in my jaws. Some of you guys were lucky. My swelling lasted a week. I'd recommend sleeping on a dark towel tonight to catch any blood/drool.

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