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Ouch... Motorcycle accident on freeway caught on film


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That was a pretty interesting video when I posted it this morning... :D

And truth be told, even I was late on it. It was actually posted in the news I read last night, I just didn't get to see the video because iPad and flash don't play nice.

Edited by JRMMiii
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I didn't see it when JRM posted it, but this is why I offset from the car in front of me.

So many people have him on their ignore lists, it's actually beneficial for most to repost anything interesting he posts.

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Hell, I searched and didn't see it. It's not even coming up down below under "Similar Threads".

:dunno: I try to title the threads I create with select keywords or tags (usually as part of the verbiage in the title). And if they don't fit in the title, I try to put them in the post.

Does it come up if you search "Triumph" or "Dallas"?

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welp, get rid of her and take the ring back... "first task as fiance is, he is not getting another bike"... Done! See Ya...

Hey he is Lucky, this is true. But come on this could happen to anyone of us at any given point. Look at Kawi Kid... He had no control over that just like this poor guy. At least he could keep riding. He lived through it. I am sure Kawi would be tooling around cow town if he had the bike...

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welp, get rid of her and take the ring back... "first task as fiance is, he is not getting another bike"... Done! See Ya...

Hey he is Lucky, this is true. But come on this could happen to anyone of us at any given point. Look at Kawi Kid... He had no control over that just like this poor guy. At least he could keep riding. He lived through it. I am sure Kawi would be tooling around cow town if he had the bike...

I was thinking the same thing, the hoes got to go.

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no way I would be told to NEVER get another bike because of an accident. I could see if he was pulling 12' o'clocks on the freeway and got rearended being an idiot but not this.

I was rear ended on my bike before while stopped at a light, I had my foot on the rear brake and just put both feet down to adjust my riding pants and I was pushed forward (still holding the front brake) The guy got out and was like "oh Im sorry, I wasn't paying attention" there wasn't any real damage but cagers.....man....

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Hate to second guess every wreck, but this one's about 80% on the rider - the cars in front brake-check, he panic-stops, hard (indicating he was too close or distracted), car behind him is on the brakes but hits him (this isn't even really that bad on the car, the bike can out-brake the bike and some motorists don't know or forget this).

Every wreck is a lesson - this one says give yourself a bigger cushion and stay alert in heavy traffic....oh and watch your six!

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