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Made a mustang cry


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Well outrunning him is one thing. Flapping your arms...Meh a little over the top. What color was the GT? If he was so pissed off, I want to be on the look out when he decides to "get even" with the next bike he sees.

How often does this happen with sports/muscle cars? I had a similar experince with an orange GT that kept reving its engine by me on my 5:00 commute home last week on River road. I'm too new to riding to be stop light drag racing and a GT looked big and aggressive compared to my little 500 so I just wanted him to get the hell away from me. I just let him go and he seemed upset that I didn't want to race him. I know, I know, old and lame, but hey right now I'm a defensive rider with only about a 2 months of riding under my belt.

WIN. lol. It happens to me all the time lol. Red mustang btw.

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I'm glad, i'd like to take the X for a ride sometime, it was that bike that inspired me to get the XX in the first place.


Once i get the carbs cleaned on her and the front tire changed, and it cleaned this year, + brakes bled. Lol she is a bitch for yearly maintenence

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So you out ran either a 16 year old girl or a high school football player that thinks he has the worlds fastest car (that accounts for 95 percent of mustang owners) that would be lucky to make a 15 second pass. I think I missed the point of the story. I almost would have been impressed had you got off the bike spun around and beat him sitting backwards

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So you out ran either a 16 year old girl or a high school football player that thinks he has the worlds fastest car (that accounts for 95 percent of mustang owners) that would be lucky to make a 15 second pass. I think I missed the point of the story. I almost would have been impressed had you got off the bike spun around and beat him sitting backwards

Well you didnt let me finish the story. Thats what happened at the next light.

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One time, I curb stomped a puppy. I went out and bought myself a fucking medal, then posted the kill on the internets. My parents clapped and everything. Best day ever.

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One time, I curb stomped a puppy. I went out and bought myself a fucking medal, then posted the kill on the internets. My parents clapped and everything. Best day ever.

I have tennis trophies in my office and I don't even play tennis. they just make me feel good about myself for no reason. I like the unearned sense of accomplishment.

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one time, i curb stomped a puppy. I went out and bought myself a fucking medal, then posted the kill on the internets. My parents clapped and everything. Best day ever.

omg me too!

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I have tennis trophies in my office and I don't even play tennis. they just make me feel good about myself for no reason. I like the unearned sense of accomplishment.

I have a Nobel Prize here for you...

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You guys remember that new guy from Columbus? He just posted in the Intro thread recently...whatever happened to that guy?

Im 19 (id says otherwise) drive a 1997 HONDA cbr1100xx also have a 1979 mint honda cbx 1000 but dont ride her much. I go on rides every day its sunny which has been almost never lately fml. I just started a group TSGErr that rides whenever we can, so if anyone isnt getting enough rides hit me up. Im pretty laid back used to play alot of video games so i wont be a forum whore because i know its a pain in the ass.

Started more threads in 6 hours than I have in 6 months. :lol:



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I know how you feel. I lined up next to a guy in a dodge neon, who was really revving the motor, on my KLR650. We eye balled each other and it was on! We hit the gas and pulled off side by side. I could hear the lawn mower exhaust of the car screaming for a second. The tweet, tweet of my own exhaust confirmed I was really moving now! The steal glaze of my visor must have made the Neon owner wonder who was this speed demon? All my practice and bike maintenance was proving to be key at this moment. My heart thumping like the beat of the single cylinder engine between my legs. I quickly launched ahead and out of the corner on my eye I could see the surrender in my neighbors eyes as we reached the end of the driveways. My victory in the 2011 driveway race still thrills children on the street to this day. I REGRET NOTHING! :)

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I raced a Mustang today and after some really hard riding I managed to PASS the guy. I was riding on one of those really, really twisting sections of canyon road with no straight sections to speak of and where most of the curves have warning signs that say "15 MPH".

I knew if I was going to pass one of those monsters with those big-cubic-inch motors, it would have to be a place like this where handling is more important than horsepower alone.

I saw the guy up ahead as I exited one of the turns and knew I could catch him, but it wouldn't be easy. I concentrated on my braking and cornering. three corners later, I was on his fender. Catching him was one thing; passing him would prove to be another.

Two corners later, I pulled up next to him as we sailed down the mountain. I think he was shocked to see me next to him, as I nearly got by him before he could recover. Next corner, same thing. I'd manage to pull up next to him as we started to enter the corners but when we came out he'd get on the throttle and outpower me. His horsepower was almost too much to overcome, but this only made me more determined than ever.

My only hope was to outbrake him. I held off squeezing the lever until the last instant. I kept my nerve while he lost his. In an instant I was by him. Corner after corner, I could hear the roar of his engine as he struggled to keep up. Three more miles to go before the road straightens out and he would pass me for good.

But now I was in the lead and he would no longer hold me back. I stretched out my lead and by the time we reached the bottom of the canyon, he was more than a full corner behind. I could no longer see him in my rear-view mirror.

Once the road did straighten out, it seemed like it took miles before he passed me, but it was probably just a few hundred yards. I was no match for that kind of horsepower, but it was done. In the tightest section of road, where bravery and skill count for more than horspower and deep pockets, I had passed him. though it was not easy, I had won the race to the bottom of the canyon and I had preserved the proud tradition of another of America's best bikes.

I will always remember that moment. I don't think I've ever pedaled so hard in my life. And some of the credit must go to Schwinn, as well. They really make a great bicycle...

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cool story bro. you showed that 13 second car who the boss is.
that bike can outrun a stock car? impressive!

sorry just had to join in the ribbing.

Fail on op's part
you probably looked like such a douche flapping your arms around...omg i wish i could have seen it...if i was in the GT i would have laughed my ass off at you and then potentially ran you over
So you out ran either a 16 year old girl or a high school football player that thinks he has the worlds fastest car (that accounts for 95 percent of mustang owners) that would be lucky to make a 15 second pass. I think I missed the point of the story. I almost would have been impressed had you got off the bike spun around and beat him sitting backwards

i heart you gheys :D

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I will always remember that moment. I don't think I've ever pedaled so hard in my life. And some of the credit must go to Schwinn, as well. They really make a great bicycle...

And so ended the OSU parking garage downhill race of 2011. Your place in the halls of heros is secured. :D

Should I brag on my 2011 Walmart parking spot drag race?

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You guys arent on your game. Ive been waiting for the post that says " How did you make a car cry" All morning... :p

I'd say you gave him a good laugh as to why your flapping your arms like a bird. I mean your not ET and flapping your arms is not gonna magically make the bike fly. Just sayin :rolleyes:

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I think we are all puzzled cause you say you flapped your wings like a bird... But its probably more accurate to say "like a fairy"

Just sayin' brah

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The other day I went horse riding. I have a horse and I usually go to the stables with my friends but this time I decided to go on my own after reading a story about peeing while horse riding. I put on my tight trousers and my horse riding boots. If you read my other story's you will know that i love wearing my shoes barefoot and this day was no exception. I walked down to the stables which was about a 20 minutes walk. Already my feet were quite moist and warm and I loved the feeling. As I knew I was going to be wetting my self I drank loads before I came out and by the time I got there I was getting rather desperate to pee. I got the horse out and put the saddle on and then started horse riding around the field. As I rode around the horse bounced up and down. I was horny from being desperate to pee so having my private area rubbed as well as I bounced up and down in the seat made me really turned on. After about 20 minutes a small spurt of pee escaped into my tight trousers and I instantly manage to stop the flow. 10 more minutes passed and another spurt came out. This time it was quite a long one and I felt is spread down the inside of my thighs a bit. It felt so nice. I carried on riding just ignoring it and then decided to challenge my self. I rode over a big jump and as I landed a huge flood of pee started pouring out. It poured down the inside of my legs and started filling my boots. It made my boots all warm and squishy and the flow didn't stop for about 1 and a half minutes. My boots were totally filled up to half way between my ankles and my knees. My feet felt so nice and warm and wet. I got off the horse and led it back to the stables all the time my feet were making a really loud pee squishing noise. I then decided that it wasn't time to go home. I was going to carry on riding but because no one was here I was going to make my self orgasm. I got back on and started the horse running. As she ran I tilted my hips backwards and forwards in rhythm with the motion of the seat. I got more and more orgasmic. I was turned on my having my soft little feet all wet and warm. My pussy being all soaked and warm and also the fact that I was being a very naughty girl. After about 20 more seconds I climaxed and I am sure that I screamed loud enough for the people in the other fields to hear because it felt soooo amazing. It was certainly the best orgasm I have ever given my self before. If you do horse riding and are into wetting I would definitely recommend it. Specially the 20 minute walk home in pee filled boots and trousers.

Edited by Steve Butters
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