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Finally, got my first ride in


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Finally there was a break in the torrential rain! Passed the MSF two Sundays ago and have been waiting to get the bike out on the street. Took a nice 3 hr cruise around Dayton. Put 60 miles on the R6 tonight. Was awesome to get out there. No incidents and made sure I hit as many situations as I could, busy intersections, rail roads, sharp turns at a light, etc. Def losing interest in modding the car further lol.

Two wheels are better than four!

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2nd ride = trackday? :D

stay safe and enjoy every minute of it. You're in the honeymoon phase with the bike, the conditions, etc. All will be right with the world for a while, so enjoy it while it lasts!

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Always. Full gear at all times and I'm always looking ahead to see what other drivers are doing. Gotta anticipate. But man was it fun

Sounds pretty good to me!

The first real "incident" I had was ALL my fault. I had only been riding for a few weeks and was getting comfortable with the bike. I was going to fast and there was an old guy in front of me who must have missed his turn. He hit the brakes hard and busted a U-turn. I was going to fast and was way too close. Had to panick stop. Locked up the rear wheel. The pucker factor was through the roof! Luckily, nothing happened but, I learned to NEVER get comfortable on the bike. I think I might have even made the old man shit his pants!

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