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Ride Today 5/9


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I plan on doing some riding when I get off today around three or four around town nothing to serious mainly just cruise to wherever. Anyone wanna join all are welcome. I'm at work so I'll check this when I can and post up some meeting spot. I'm on the OSU campus by the way. Here is my google voice number (213) 537-8666 I pretty sure you can text this I've never really used it till now. Just send a text/post up if your in.

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Ok, here's what were gonna do meet at the Shell gas station on Lane and High between 4:30 and 5 will leave around 5:15 and head out. I have no idea where 79 is and I prefer to stay close to home today so nothing further than an hour don't really wanna waste time riding out just to hit some roads.

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Ok, here's what were gonna do meet at the Shell gas station on Lane and High between 4:30 and 5 will leave around 5:15 and head out. I have no idea where 79 is and I prefer to stay close to home today so nothing further than an hour don't really wanna waste time riding out just to hit some roads.

That's what riding is. I'm just lucky enough to live on some good roads

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you're gonna want to stay off the highways around that time. my route for that time period would probably be lane out to kenny. north on kenny to henderson or bethel. west on either of those roads to riverside(33) and then head south on riverside back to lane on home. about 30-50 minute ride depending on traffic on bethel and how aggressive you all ride. if it's too short by the time you get to lane, you can option to keep going south on riverside/33 and take it into downtown and come up high or 4th

don't go north on riverside, traffic will be a bitch. southbound is usually traffic free during that time.

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Ride south on Riverside to Watermark Dr. and pick me up if you do that! If not, I don't think I would be able to meet anyone by 515 unless I got off work early by some miracle. But I really would like to ride somewhere after I get home and change. I rode to work today but I need jeans and boots rather than these slacks and dress shoes ha

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Ok I'm off out making some errands meet you guys at the shell or whatever works he best. Will stop by and pick up people as needed and Hutch if we head out that way I'll call you. I have my phone so I can check the thread for additional people. DTM you can post up and ill check around 6 for your post.

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If you guys head south or west at all you should make a stop at my apartments theyre right off of riverside.. if not I can meet you all somewhere by mayyybe 545.. Id really like to get in on this though.. 4192627474

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