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Found 1.85$


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you pulled over on 270 to pick up a dollar 85? or this your clever way of saying you and a group did 185 on 270 last night? because i find it hard to believe that your bike would come close to 185.....maybe 185 indicated, but not actual speed

Agree - and even if it could hit 185mph, should we be impressed? The bike was doing all the work, and a trained monkey can hold the throttle open in 6th gear.

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Ringo you truly are a tool/troll of epic proportions. You register as a user, then blow up the board with your post whoring ways, get pissed off when people start unloading on you and then post a thread asking for forgiveness as an act of contrition (posted the URL to Websters so you can figure out what contrition means).


Fast forward to this squid post. Shit like this reaffirms my opinion that the world needs an enema to flush the low end of the gene pool.


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haha im the one hiding behind a computer? you saw me face to face and didnt have shit to say, but now you wanna start talking now that youre behind your keyboard? awesome bro. you totally punked me.

and like i said before, i dont have a bike by choice. if i wanted to go out tomorrow and buy one, i very well could. i have a few other things going on in my life right now that im focusing my energy on instead, so the bike is on hold. i sold my bike and my fun car to help prioritize, ive been on more group rides with these guys than you have, so please eat shit and die.

and your bike wont do 190 - indicated speed isnt actual speed.....i rarely say this, but i think if your front wheel came off at 190 indicated, the world would be a better place. i'll be at your moms place later to teach her how to swallow to make sure a mistake like this never happens again.

A www it won't let me rep you :(

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haha im the one hiding behind a computer? you saw me face to face and didnt have shit to say, but now you wanna start talking now that youre behind your keyboard? awesome bro. you totally punked me.

and like i said before, i dont have a bike by choice. if i wanted to go out tomorrow and buy one, i very well could. i have a few other things going on in my life right now that im focusing my energy on instead, so the bike is on hold. i sold my bike and my fun car to help prioritize, ive been on more group rides with these guys than you have, so please eat shit and die.

and your bike wont do 190 - indicated speed isnt actual speed.....i rarely say this, but i think if your front wheel came off at 190 indicated, the world would be a better place. i'll be at your moms place later to teach her how to swallow to make sure a mistake like this never happens again.

Count this as an IOU for a cold one sometime. :bow:

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haha im the one hiding behind a computer? you saw me face to face and didnt have shit to say, but now you wanna start talking now that youre behind your keyboard? awesome bro. you totally punked me.

and like i said before, i dont have a bike by choice. if i wanted to go out tomorrow and buy one, i very well could. i have a few other things going on in my life right now that im focusing my energy on instead, so the bike is on hold. i sold my bike and my fun car to help prioritize, ive been on more group rides with these guys than you have, so please eat shit and die.

and your bike wont do 190 - indicated speed isnt actual speed.....i rarely say this, but i think if your front wheel came off at 190 indicated, the world would be a better place. i'll be at your moms place later to teach her how to swallow to make sure a mistake like this never happens again.

Adult decisions are the hardest to make.

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With out the high school education....


and like i said before, i dont have a bike by choice. if i wanted to go out tomorrow and buy one, i very well could. i have a few other things going on in my life right now that im focusing my energy on instead, so the bike is on hold. i sold my bike and my fun car to help prioritize, ive been on more group rides with these guys than you have, so please eat shit and die.

I think I've heard something like this from someone else that has posted in this thread. I think that other person is skeered though. :rolleyes:

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If i said that it would be funny, tbutera spends his entire life hiding behind a computer because hes a fat ugly lowlife. Least i am actually out riding, 1500 miles in the last week and a half. Im bored and i post here to start a riot and it works everytime. Maybe if you were grown up like you claim i need to do. You wouldnt post on this thread. But because you are not mature you post here and it fuels my fire.


If that's why your here leave.

K. Thanks. Bye!

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Ringo: I honestly and truly hope you can get past this. The problem is you are incapable of seeing how your riding is going to impact your life or some innocent person's life.

In time you will come to understand how stupid you have been. I hope that realization hits you BEFORE you're standing at The Gates explaining to Saint Peter why you brought an innocent family with you.

Please, grow up.

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