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this is my first milf, im only 26 be easy on me

I remember someone on here who posted in a thread about banging a chick then being molested by her 3yr old.

lol thankfully that is not me. I've yet to meet the kid and always make sure i only see her when the kid is with the dad

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this is my first milf, im only 26 be easy on me

lol thankfully that is not me. I've yet to meet the kid and always make sure i only see her when the kid is with the dad

her kid is 3 and she still puts out? thought she might have learned by now.

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this is my first milf, im only 26 be easy on me

lol thankfully that is not me. I've yet to meet the kid and always make sure i only see her when the kid is with the dad

Dont shoplift the pootie from a single mother....unless she is a stripper. :D


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im inclined to think that is just how he is, internet aside....i met him the other night, said whats up and he didnt even acknowledge me or really look up from his phone, except to make a jab at me for not having a bike....then i get home and he is posting on OR making personal jabs at me and calling me out about shit....i dont take OR seriously, and had nothing against him in person which is why i tried to be civil with him and say hey....then to get home and see those posts and it made me realize that unlike most of you internet jackasses, he is just a jackass through and through, i dont think its just an online persona

i met up with Wadepenn who if you remember, me and him got into shit in that bmw thread - and it stayed here on OR where it started...no hard feelings, no cry baby shit....we met up, talked for a few mins, and we txtd a little bit the other day and all is good...hes a standup guy - no issues...OR is just OR, or it should be at least.

some people cant grasp that concept i guess :dunno:

Lol i gave you shit cause you look just like you act. And you show up reving your truck like a loser. And wade does not like you in any way shape or form. Notice how you didnt say shit to me in person when i "poked at you" ?

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you guys are friends on facebook?

No he just said how i didnt say anything to him or look up from my phone other than to poke at him for not having a bike.. And i wasnt looking at my phone i was keeping it from looking at you cause i didnt want the screen to break.

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