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Ohio Riders 5yr Anniversary - June 18th, 2011


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Alrighty folks, as you've probably heard, Roll On Columbus has been canceled for this year. Because I'd been focusing so much time on this event, I'd set it up so it was also Ohio Riders' 5yr anniversary. Well now without ROC, we need to get something together for our anniversary. I've thought about a few things, but I figured I'd let you all tell me what you want to do.

Here are some of my ideas, but please feel free to add your own to this thread.

- Digital Picture Run (info from years past: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=24590)

- A large ride? Maybe with a set destination like Put-In-Bay for a large group photo? Everyone meets there, we have lunch, etc?

- Cookout at a park here in Columbus. Family friendly. Cornhole and other games. Just hang out. Could also do a large group photo here?

- Unofficial after party somewhere. I think Shallowtail is playing that night?

What do you all think? What would you like to see this year?

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I like the cook out idea and then Shallowtail. There are many new members that we don't know yet and even though we are a bike site we are a much tighter group than other forums and most of us know each other on a personal level. A cook out would allow the large amount of newbs to get to know us and maybe lessen the "Ringo effect". We always have a good time at our non bike events so it'd be a good time that wont end in a dick measuring contest and a crash. Then Shallow tail afterward

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Then Shallow tail afterward

which will most likely end in a drunken dick measuring contest. Spoilers ahoy: gen3flygirl wins by a hair. ;)

Seriously, I like this idea. Cookout thing (that people can get together and ride to, fosters small group rides that no one is out of their comfort zone), kawi and chebby can bring a trailer to show off their guns (just due to the number of firearms threads, I just assumed) and much chow will be had, then putt putt over to wharever to be Shallowtail groupies and muscle out everyone else at the bar. We're a biker gang, isn't that what biker gangs are supposed to do?

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I like all the ideas, I was looking forward to the scavenger hunt as the pictures from a few years ago looked like a lot of fun. The Meet and Greets were a blast from a few years ago as well and I'm guessing the cookout would be much the same. Shallowtail afterwards is a great idea too.

If you do the cookout, are you planning on buying a ton of food and just charging, or having everyone make stuff and bring it? I'm good either way just curious.

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I like the cook out idea and then Shallowtail. There are many new members that we don't know yet and even though we are a bike site we are a much tighter group than other forums and most of us know each other on a personal level. A cook out would allow the large amount of newbs to get to know us and maybe lessen the "Ringo effect". We always have a good time at our non bike events so it'd be a good time that wont end in a dick measuring contest and a crash. Then Shallow tail afterward

I like this idea.

kawi and chebby can bring a trailer to show off their guns (just due to the number of firearms threads, I just assumed)


Plus it includes the other halfs and kids. That spawns more friendships with the ones that may not ride.

This is a big reason I don't get out for OR rides or events often. So having a family oriented event would suite me, and I am sure others, better.

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if you gheys want I could wrangle the grill at the hall and meet up in any metro park and do the cooking, I'll even be willing to throw some burgers and dogs into the mix... then I'd have everyone bring something side dish wise... things that would fit into backpacks and saddlebags of course. then make up groups for a smaller scale scavenger hunt as in years past... then off the shallowtail and hollar for more Howard... ( I would just need a truck or small trailer to get the grill moved to where ever if some one could help with that)

OR.... I could host everything at the hall as I have in the past and that way people can drop stuff off the night before and just show up on bikes and have a good time then head off to shallowtail... I'm open to either...

Just lemme Know!

Edited by cmoosego
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Wondertwin and I were talking about putting together a "Pants Off Dance Off".

We could add that to the festivities.

Todd was going to end up losing his pants anyway, I don't see how dancing's got anything to do with this...

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Rent a warehouse and have a LAN party. No talking, only typing. :D

i vote Left 4 Dead 2, that should play to the massive number of zombie fetishists we have here...

be prepared to be pwnz0red, n00b.

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i vote Left 4 Dead 2, that should play to the massive number of zombie fetishists we have here...

be prepared to be pwnz0red, n00b.

I thought we'd all just sit in a warehouse next to each other in our typical posting attire (nude covered in Cheetos dust) and post snarky comments to the forum. WTF kinda LAN party were you thinking? :wtf:

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