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Motorcycle news things


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god, these are annoying. Over half of the threads is just motorcycle news. Its kinda dumb, if we wanted mc news, we would go on a mc news site, not a local MC forum. I understand this site needs sponsors to run, but are you getting money? If not, why are they there if no one reads them? Im looking, and the view count is usually 1 on each.

Just my .02

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Uhm, they don't pay. I put it there as a reference for everyone. Why is it so annoying to you? People do read them. Some people post comments on them. If the general consensus is to remove them, I'd be more than happy to do so. I thought they were useful. I know I scan them then read the ones that look interesting.

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thats what im seeing. Its the same way on the other pages, and the MCM forum. Its not annoying really, I just like liked it better when the only threads on here were posted by people on the the board when you click new posts. I really dont care, but I think it would kind of annoy or confuse new members. Im interested in hearing what other members have to say about it.

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This is what I posted about when you first added them satan.. Most people come on here and click "new posts" and then we get 400 damn MCN links.. it sucks.. How about you not inlcude the MCN links in "new posts". And in case you havent noticed, some of the MCN links require login information which is super fucking worthless to even be on here.

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