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Sport Rider


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I have been riding on the street for 41 years,riders hate sport riders,touring riders,Harley riders or what ever group doesn't fit into their world of riding..fine.

The other day,on my 31 year old cruiser, I was in Ross OH at the BP picking up a 6 pack of suds to take back to the house and chill a little.

A sport rider was getting gas,fully dressed for some serious riding. Me,grandpa shoes,t shirt and cheap azz pants and a bike with a full fairing,saddle bags with a buch of stuff in them and a helmet. Well it worked out that this rider got stuck behind me,so we headed over to Old Colerain and proceeded up the twisty hill,short but can be fun,a rider was just killed about two months ago there..too fast,I just did my normal riding speed..a bit faster than some but this rider behind me came up on me pretty quickly I realzed he was not a wanna be Kenny Roberts,he could have blowen my doors off but he held back and did not ride my luggage rack...

he did what you are supposed to ..let me ride my own ride...I only had a short distance to go so I did not wave him on as it would not have been safe on these corners. So as I got near my driveway I put on my signal and did a hand signal and as he passed he waved his gloved hand..that was class and the way it should be.

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If you're cruising along, how difficult is it to slide over and let someone by? The lane is large enough for two bikes, side-by-side. :dunno:

No, we were not cruising along,he came up from behind me,I was a bit ahead as we left Ross. We never rode together, this is a narrow country road and if a rider can't ride behide me for 1/2 mile as I am already 10 over the speed limit.....screw this crap...this is why sport riders get a bad name...3 seconds in your life is gonna make a difference? Sorry I ever made a post on the positive side for Sport Riders.

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On the internet communication can be difficult. All we see is what's typed on the screen. No facial expression or body language, just words. Sometimes it is better to just keep it to yourself.....a bad habit of mine.....

But sometimes we all do get along, sport riders and us Harley riders. That's cool. Just wish us bikers could get along likewise with all the cages around on the roads. Usually that ends up with a biker down, like the other night (11 pm) on 22 eastbound just outside Circleville. This girl in a cage pulls out in front of a biker cruising east towards Lancaster. Like she couldn't see the headlight shining with a dark sky background. Bike hit her dead broadside, biker was dead on the scene. Bet she was either under the influence or texting. That or just plain not capable of figuring the bike was too close. His speed was estimated at near 50 or so. If that's the case she should get her license pulled.

At the least, vehicular manslaughter, but most probably she'll get a citation for failure to yield or some bs like that.


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he did what you are supposed to ..let me ride my own ride...

He let you ride your own ride but he has to sacrifice his ride?

Dont get me wrong its a good story but I hate wasting a road stuck behind cars or slow bikes while not being able to pass or them let me pass. :o

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He let you ride your own ride but he has to sacrifice his ride?

Dont get me wrong its a good story but I hate wasting a road stuck behind cars or slow bikes while not being able to pass or them let me pass. :o

Roads don't disappear ... traffic does. :)

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Relax' date=' Haus. I was asking a question. Besides, it's not like I was lumping you in the category of douche bag cruiser riders that feel it's necessary to do 60 mph in a 55 zone, park it in every corner they come to and then goose the throttle in the straights, while hogging the entire lane with their bike, in an attempt to keep us crazy sporties at bay.

If a cruiser, or any bike for that matter, is riding well and holding a decent line, I'll ride behind them until I find a safe place to pass. I was just curious regarding shifting to the side and letting someone slip by.

The question was rhetorical, and I wish I had pointed that out.

Lighten up. :rolleyes:[/quote']

Sorry I pulled a thirteen year old girl thing on ya,:cry:but as I posted I did not wave him on this very short set of curves because I did not think it was safe for him or for me as we were already into this and once we got to the top I had turn left and with the cross and flowers from two months ago from a rider who didn't make it on the guardrail...that rider and myself did the right thing and played it on the safe side.

I will always wave riders past when it is safe for me and them.

So I am heading home:Dwith my toys.


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I have my Concours stickered up , I wear a Uridiam faceshield on my HJC, and I gear up for every ride I do. The other part is that I am bald with gray trim and a gray go-te. :D

I get some interesting looks at times, and the conversations are sometimes there to.

I am considerate to every rider I can be, sport, cruiser, no problem.

My Connie is neither, and with the KMW stickers on the side fairing, "Nice BMW" comes out sometimes also. I just point at the "KAWASAKI" on the tank and laugh to myself.

And in 38 yrs on the road, I have never had a problem being considerate.

Ride safe all, and watch the heat.


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I don't look at it as "sacrificing my ride" when I ride behind a slower rider.

I take the time to enjoy what I'm doing and take a breather.

Oh yeah...and I check out his sweet tire tread :)

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When I am out for a sport ride I pass cars without much thought but am overly considerate to others on bikes regardless of gender of style of bike. I don't know their skill level or their comfort level of having others close to them. I have seen too many people get spooked by being passed unexpectedly and I don't want to be the one responsible for getting them out of shape. It’s not worth being impatient for the time it takes for a good opportunity to pass.

I hate groups of riders who aren't considerate of others rides and they aren't extended the same courtesies as those above. When you are on purpose trying to enforce your will on me expect not to like the reaction it solicits.

I can get along with others just fine when they have the same respect for others that they expect to receive.

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Thats exactly how it should go down! Props to the sport rider, and you for keeping yourself safe as well!

Curiosity; What make/color was the bike, and what was the rider wearing?

Gotta admit all new bikes kinda look the same to me..I just don't know but when he passed me as I was turning into my drive he raised his gloved hand as he passed and THAT is what prompted me to start this post..he showed me respect and I always wave faster riders on when it is safe to do so and I think most riders know that.

I made the same post on another site and I found this interesting and a positive thing......copy and paste..coming up

A couple of the guys on Advrider were busting through I believe the back roads of WVa when they came upon a group of HD riders. When they closed in they noticed by their jackets and vests, the were members of the Pagan MC's. Before they could make up their minds what to do, the gang waved them by.

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