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Amy Winehouse dead at 27.


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Sad (b/c a human life was lost), but not shocked!!!

Extremely saddened and shocked about all the ppl killed in Norway though! Teenagers murdered, saw footage earlier with some floating in the sea! Now that is tragic and I feel for the families that have been devastated by this!

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She really went down hill fast once she hit the heroin.

Her "husband" didnt help in the slightest, he was an addict too.

Thats what happens when you play with the wrong things if you know what I mean

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What is it with 27 and music people?

Another one on a long list.

there does seem to be something about "artist" types that keeps the really good, or really crazy ones from making it beyond 27.

Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Morrison, (I apologize for putting the rest of these in the same list as Hendrix and Morrison), Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, and now Amy Winehouse.

There's a lot more too; those are just the ones I know off the top of my head.

I wasn't an Amy Winehouse fan (and I kind of despise Janice Joplin), but in the spirit of "Fight Club," 'at least she was trying to hit rock-bottom.' The best artists really are in it for the art, and feel uncomfortable with the fame. I sincerely believe some of what we see from celebrities is subconscious self-sabotage to get themselves out of the spotlight and back to some sense of "normal."

oh well - she was somebody's daughter and friend. Sucks for those people.

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Its a shame the media is lumping her skank ass in with the 27 club. Those people had talent.

first of all, not all of them.

second, what does being a skank have to do with being talented or not? (that's IF she was actually a skank)

third, how much Amy Winehouse have you listened to to evaluate her talent, or lack thereof?

I wasn't a fan of what I heard on the radio, but that's maybe 2 songs out of 2 albums. I can't say that I've ever really given her a listen, so I'm not going to criticize much.

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A) that rehab song was as annoying as fuck and apparently she should have said yes yes yes.

2) which member was a skanky talentless hack (keep in mind that Courtney Love is still breathing)

C) IF she was a skank? Have you ever seen her?

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I had never (knowingly) heard any of her stuff before Saturday.

Listened to 30 second snippets of her Black... album at Amazon, to see what her music was all about and to see what the big deal was about her.

Maybe it was the part of each song that they snipped for you to listen to, but they all sounded the same, and weren't (imho) anything special.

Was there <some> talent there? I guess. I've heard much, much better voices locally in Columbus (Jeanette Williams comes immediately to mind).

I would guess that if she wasn't a train wreck while living, few people would have heard of her beyond a small but loyal fanbase.

However, too bad she's gone. R.I.P.

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