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For sale threads - my thoughts...


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"I hate this place, Casper just makes up his own rules and has babies while Moderators are free to have illicit carnal relations with the common members and then delete all the posts about it before they leave."

if you guys aren't careful, I'm gonna delete my account...

What the Hell???? I'm missing out on the carnal relations with Mods????

Not only am I not getting it in real life, now the Interweb Mods on OR are skipping me???

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If you want to rip someone off use craigslist. If you want to honestly sell something for a reasonable price list it here


I don't want fellow riders getting ripped off like i was on my first motorcycle purchase. This is a forum- if you want to sell your bike where people can't make comments use EBAY.

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If you want to rip someone off use craigslist. If you want to honestly sell something for a reasonable price list it here

I completely agree.

We're a community. I haven't met more than 10 or 12 ORDN members, but (believe it or not) my reputation on this site means something to me, and I generally respect (if not like) most of the regulars here.

Ripping people off is no way to make myself look good, and you damn well better believe I am going to look out for you guys and call a rip-off a rip-off when I see it.

Personally, I find it insulting to our intelligence when people post bikes "for their friend" :rolleyes: for twice what they're worth.

There's also part of me that just thinks it's wrong to cheat people. Profit? Sure; but a fair deal is a fair deal, and a bad deal is a bad deal.

I was a know-nothing 22 yr old shopping for a bike not that long ago, and I'm lucky as hell I didn't get taken. If I can help keep someone else from being ripped off, you bet I'm going to do so.

And no, just because the dealership ripped you off and you own $5000 on your GS500 doesn't mean that it's less of a dick move to try and sell it to some other newb for $5k. Getting ripped off isn't a valid excuse to rip off someone else.

people expect that shit on Craigslist because it's a truly public forum. You may not need any kind of "credentials" to post here, but this is supposed to be an online community of people who enjoy riding. Implicitly or explicitly, there ARE things you just don't do here that you'd be fine doing on Craigslist.


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I completely agree.

We're a community. I haven't met more than 10 or 12 ORDN members, but (believe it or not) my reputation on this site means something to me, and I generally respect (if not like) most of the regulars here.

Ripping people off is no way to make myself look good, and you damn well better believe I am going to look out for you guys and call a rip-off a rip-off when I see it.

Personally, I find it insulting to our intelligence when people post bikes "for their friend" :rolleyes: for twice what they're worth.

There's also part of me that just thinks it's wrong to cheat people. Profit? Sure; but a fair deal is a fair deal, and a bad deal is a bad deal.

I was a know-nothing 22 yr old shopping for a bike not that long ago, and I'm lucky as hell I didn't get taken. If I can help keep someone else from being ripped off, you bet I'm going to do so.

And no, just because the dealership ripped you off and you own $5000 on your GS500 doesn't mean that it's less of a dick move to try and sell it to some other newb for $5k. Getting ripped off isn't a valid excuse to rip off someone else.

people expect that shit on Craigslist because it's a truly public forum. You may not need any kind of "credentials" to post here, but this is supposed to be an online community of people who enjoy riding. Implicitly or explicitly, there ARE things you just don't do here that you'd be fine doing on Craigslist.


Well said.

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While we're at it, there seems to be something wrong with the Gear Shop forum. I've had a 2-pc suit for sale on there for a really long time at a more than fair price and no one has bought it. 21 months and over 2000 views.

Should probably get that fixed.:p

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i continue to enjoy the "post just about whatever the fuck you want" policy on Ohio Riders. i hope it continues that tradition. if that means people get to shit on my FS thread, so be it.

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i continue to enjoy the "post just about whatever the fuck you want" policy on Ohio Riders. i hope it continues that tradition. if that means people get to shit on my FS thread, so be it.

Well quit trying to sell us the shit you found in walmart's dumpster for full retail.

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I'm opposed to limiting free speech any further than honest threats/harassment/etc as already dictated by law.

if someone posts a trike for sale, I want the freedom to say "trikes are trash" even if i choose not to exercise that freedom, I still want it.

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I'm opposed to limiting free speech any further than honest threats/harassment/etc as already dictated by law.

if someone posts a trike for sale, I want the freedom to say "trikes are trash" even if i choose not to exercise that freedom, I still want it.

Seems fair. I like freedom, almost as much as I like hookers and blow

Cant we all just get along and be somewhat cival

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If you want to rip someone off use craigslist. If you want to honestly sell something for a reasonable price list it here

Yep. Most of us on here are honest people wanting a fair price if we are selling something. Truthfully, if I was newb looking for a thingamajig that I don't know a lot about, a constructive criticism might make me look twice and do some some more research and find a better going rate. If someone is on here trying to rip people off, we need to put a stop to that anyway and look out for one another.

It goes the other way; if you know something that a member is selling is cherry, let others know; hell even if you know they are standup person, mention it. The best consumer protection in a forum like this is each other.

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