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Neighbor hood houses getting robbed


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So 2 of my neighbors houses have been robbed in the past week or so and the general consensus of all the neighbors is that the kid who sells weed out of his house is the one doing it cuz he has been seen loading tv's and things into a van and taking them places and one of the people who was robbed paid a kid $100 to act like he wanted to buy weed from him so he could scope out his house and he saw stuff that had been stolen. They think he is addicted to crack or something so he is selling this stuff for a fix. Anyway, it has me thinking about what I should do if that ever happens to me, I have my gun loaded and under my bed just waiting for the fucker to break into my house or steal my bike but if it happens when no one is home, how do I file a claim with my insurance? Should I take pics of everything? Record serial numbers? What is important to record/take pics of? I have always thought my neighbor hood was pretty safe, I live on a cul-de-sac so I always thought someone would see this happening and stop to or call the cops but it has happened twice and no one saw anything. Any advice?

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I would do a walk through of your house with a digital camcorder and make special attention of high dollar items like jewelry and electronics. Keep receipts if possible somewhere safe. Also, a good alarm system or a well trained dog go a long way towards preventing a home invasion. As far as the bike...full coverage and an alarm with gps tracking. Keep a copy of the digital video somewhere safe...preferably out of the house (or in the house in a fire proof safe) as this is also good to have in case of a house fire as well.

Edited by drew95gt
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Our house was just broken into a few weeks ago and my adjuster recommended walking through the house and taking inventory of your possessions and then video taping them as well. Also, make sure the insurance you carry is for replacement value, it will make a significant difference in the amount of money that you get back.

The first time we were broken into we lost several thousand dollars between the value of the items and what we were paid. This time we were out only a little over a grand, so make sure you get/have replacement value.

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Recording serial numbers for anything that has it is a good idea as well. If something common like a television is stolen there is no real way to tell if it is yours or belongs to someone else so if you do the walk through with a video camera make sure you get shots of the serial numbers on any items that have one.

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So 2 of my neighbors houses have been robbed in the past week or so and the general consensus of all the neighbors is that the kid who sells weed out of his house is the one doing it cuz he has been seen loading tv's and things into a van and taking them places and one of the people who was robbed paid a kid $100 to act like he wanted to buy weed from him so he could scope out his house and he saw stuff that had been stolen. They think he is addicted to crack or something so he is selling this stuff for a fix. Anyway, it has me thinking about what I should do if that ever happens to me, I have my gun loaded and under my bed just waiting for the fucker to break into my house or steal my bike but if it happens when no one is home, how do I file a claim with my insurance? Should I take pics of everything? Record serial numbers? What is important to record/take pics of? I have always thought my neighbor hood was pretty safe, I live on a cul-de-sac so I always thought someone would see this happening and stop to or call the cops but it has happened twice and no one saw anything. Any advice?

Record all serial numbers, model numbers, and descriptions of electronics and valuables. Take photos of all property and keep everything together in a safe place.

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Seriously, if you already know he has stolen shit in his house, get off your ass and call the police and let them know. At a minimumthey will come by to talk with him and it may at least keep him from operating so close to your house.

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If somebody has been witness to the guy having stolen property in his house - call the police now?

This. have your insurance coverage in line, but also start notifying the police of every little thing the suspect does as well.

The police have a lot of shit on their plate, but if it's MULTIPLE people in the same neighborhood, they might actually take notice.

Plus (as awful as this sounds) the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Filing complaints is a PITA for police. They don't like paperwork. If they catch and convict the guy, that's the last of the paperwork they have to fill out (at least for a while).

Seeing stolen property in the guy's garage, or even a suspicious number of TV's or other electronics might be enough to give the police probable cause to search the place. But you have to get them out there for a legit reason first.

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for the bike - get new insurance....

my mustang was a rebuilt salvage with 160k miles and a shit ton of mods (that insurance was aware of) and i still got full coverage on it

my vmax was also rebuilt and i got full coverage on it aswell through progressive and through grange insurance

theres no reason a company wont give full coverage on a rebuilt title....make sure you say "rebuilt" title not "salvage" title - there is a difference

hell - grange even gave me full value on my mustang even though it was salvage...i wrecked it and got an estimate for like 4k (book was like 6500 for a clean title) and they didnt even total it out

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i stopped reading when you said he sells weed...you got his phone number? For a sting operation of course to catch him ;)

haha, he sells the shittiest weed, might as well pick grass off your lawn and smoke it cuz its better than what he has lol

If somebody has been witness to the guy having stolen property in his house - call the police now?
This. have your insurance coverage in line, but also start notifying the police of every little thing the suspect does as well.

The police have a lot of shit on their plate, but if it's MULTIPLE people in the same neighborhood, they might actually take notice.

Plus (as awful as this sounds) the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Filing complaints is a PITA for police. They don't like paperwork. If they catch and convict the guy, that's the last of the paperwork they have to fill out (at least for a while).

Seeing stolen property in the guy's garage, or even a suspicious number of TV's or other electronics might be enough to give the police probable cause to search the place. But you have to get them out there for a legit reason first.

well I live outside of town in a development where if anything happens they send a sheriff out, not a cop. I don't know if any of you have had to deal with a sheriff but they typically act like you are not worth their time and will take upwards of 3 hours sometimes to respond to suspicious activity that is not life threatening and by then they have made off with all the stolen stuff, at least thats how it is where I live. We, and by we I mean my neighbors and I, have called them several times but you are lucky if they show up. In fact, the guy who paid the kid $100 to scope out the place used to be a cop, that is saying something when a cop doesn't even trust the sheriff to do their job.

for the bike - get new insurance....

my mustang was a rebuilt salvage with 160k miles and a shit ton of mods (that insurance was aware of) and i still got full coverage on it

my vmax was also rebuilt and i got full coverage on it aswell through progressive and through grange insurance

theres no reason a company wont give full coverage on a rebuilt title....make sure you say "rebuilt" title not "salvage" title - there is a difference

hell - grange even gave me full value on my mustang even though it was salvage...i wrecked it and got an estimate for like 4k (book was like 6500 for a clean title) and they didnt even total it out

well at my age it really isn't worth getting more than liability on the bike cuz I would be paying over $1000 a year with a $500 deductible for it when the bike is only worth like $3500 normally and like $2800 rebuilt. I pay a little over $100 a year for liability.

Edited by JStump
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Get an alarm. Or I can sell you an alarm sign for your yard. Most half ass burgulars wont mess with a house that might have an alarm.

the kid stole from a cop, I dont think a sign is gonna do any good. Plus he is addicted to heroine supposedly so he will probably try anything to get his fix.

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haha, he sells the shittiest weed, might as well pick grass off your lawn and smoke it cuz its better than what he has lol

well I live outside of town in a development where if anything happens they send a sheriff out, not a cop. I don't know if any of you have had to deal with a sheriff but they typically act like you are not worth their time and will take upwards of 3 hours sometimes to respond to suspicious activity that is not life threatening and by then they have made off with all the stolen stuff, at least thats how it is where I live. We, and by we I mean my neighbors and I, have called them several times but you are lucky if they show up. In fact, the guy who paid the kid $100 to scope out the place used to be a cop, that is saying something when a cop doesn't even trust the sheriff to do their job.

well at my age it really isn't worth getting more than liability on the bike cuz I would be paying over $1000 a year with a $500 deductible for it when the bike is only worth like $3500 normally and like $2800 rebuilt. I pay a little over $100 a year for liability.

get liability plus comp...comp added a whopping $18 per year to my policy and my full coverage policy was 1200 a year on a 97 cruiser (i paid this for a month then realized it made no sense and dropped back to liability plus comp - $200 a year total)....comprehensive wont make your policy over a grand, comprehensive costs like nothing...its collision that raises the policy

and not all sheriffs are that bad....guess it depends where you live...i had to call delaware county sheriffs for suspicious activity and they were knocking on my door less than 5 minutes later and had already patrolled the neighborhood....the response time was incredible

Edited by Steve Butters
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Step one build a giant hole in your back yard

Step two place very sharp logs in the ground so that anyone who falls in gets impailed

Step three cover the hole with a net and some leaves

Step four place a sign saying free drugs pointing down towards the hole

old school Wile E Coyote style....NICE

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Step one build a giant hole in your back yard

Step two place very sharp logs in the ground so that anyone who falls in gets impailed

Step three cover the hole with a net and some leaves

Step four place a sign saying free drugs pointing down towards the hole

+1 For a great plan :)

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