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Neighbor hood houses getting robbed


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You could always raise your bike to full coverage until this is taken care of then drop it again. A few $90 insurance payments are cheaper than a new bike.

no need for full coverage - comprehensive covers fire, theft, hitting animals, vandalizing, etc....comp is a lot cheaper than collision

only thing is, if you have comp and an animal runs out - dont swerve lol....my dad swerved to miss a deer and the insurance company told him he should have just hit it...when he swerved he hit the median and bent his driver side wheels ($1200 each at the dealership)...had to pay his collision deductible, they said if he had just hit the deer instead then he would only pay comp and his rates wouldnt hve gone up

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no need for full coverage - comprehensive covers fire, theft, hitting animals, vandalizing, etc....comp is a lot cheaper than collision

only thing is, if you have comp and an animal runs out - dont swerve lol....my dad swerved to miss a deer and the insurance company told him he should have just hit it...when he swerved he hit the median and bent his driver side wheels ($1200 each at the dealership)...had to pay his collision deductible, they said if he had just hit the deer instead then he would only pay comp and his rates wouldnt hve gone up

thats good to know, never thought about it like that

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I had an insurance agent tell me a few years ago when I hit deer in Explorer that you always say the deer ran into you

may depend on company....i was half asleep at 2am one day and ran over a deer in the middle of e broad st that was already dead and laying in the road...tore my car all up since it sat so low....comprehensive claim took care of it

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We had some undesirables lurking in the neighborhood a while ago. They would cut through yards and seemed to be taking inventory of everyone's property. I started mowing the yard every other day with a 1911 strapped to my waist. I'm not sure if they noticed' date=' but they stopped coming around my house. This was a couple years ago. Now and then we get some wierdos, but nothing like the guys I just mentioned. Their intent was certain trouble and I wasn't having it.[/quote']

i was actually thinking about doing this myself with my bersa

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If you're going to make a point then you need somethng bigger than a cap gun. ;)

Be active, be visible. A neighborhood where people are out and about and moving around is going to deter a thief because the higher risk of being caught in the act. If everyone in the area goes inside their houses and draws their blinds then the bad guy can walk around with impunity.

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Why leave them at home? :cool:

i dont know about you - but i dont think most people haul every firearm they own around with them

and even if you dont leave any at home - theres no way the robber would know that prior to breaking in....they might break in to look for firearms and end up leaving with other valuables

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well I live outside of town in a development where if anything happens they send a sheriff out, not a cop. I don't know if any of you have had to deal with a sheriff but they typically act like you are not worth their time and will take upwards of 3 hours sometimes to respond to suspicious activity that is not life threatening and by then they have made off with all the stolen stuff, at least thats how it is where I live. We, and by we I mean my neighbors and I, have called them several times but you are lucky if they show up. In fact, the guy who paid the kid $100 to scope out the place used to be a cop, that is saying something when a cop doesn't even trust the sheriff to do their job.

The problem is, everyone thinks their neighbor is a drug dealer. We get that call daily about 60% of the residents of my precinct, and the county deputies have a huge area to cover with very limited resources. So, I understand the slow response. They may have 4 deputies covering a 100+ square mile area at any given time. However, if you have seen property in his house that you know is stolen, you need to call. Burglars tend to move their items quickly because they don't want to get caught with them. If you wait, there is a good chance that he is going to move the items and by the time they get there the house will be clear. That is going to leave you in the position of bitching that the Sherriff's office didn't do shit to arrest someone that everyone in the neighborhood knows is burglarizing houses. When in reality, it is your lack of initiative/action that has allowed him to continue to victimize your friends and neighbors.

As a side note, I would be careful about what you discuss on a public forum (not saying it has happened). But if you discuss taking the law into your own hands, and you should happen to shoot/beat the life out of some turd who breaks into your house while defending your own life or the lives of family members, it tends to look premeditated. Just my $.02 worth.

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1.) Go back and delete the original posting.

2.) Shoot everyone inside the home.

3.) Burn down the house with as much accelerants as you can possible find.

4.) cover the ashes of the burnt down home with more flammable liquids. Re-burn house to ground

5.) attend funeral of "accidental house fire victims"

6.) shoot everyone that shows up.

7.) NEVER LET ANYONE ENDANGER YOUR FAMILY. If someone does, reign down vengeance so vicious it makes satan himself feel uncomfortable.

Or, a slightly more convenient way to deal with situations like this, and honestly my preferred method of deterring thieves, Get a big dog, I highly recommend Rottweilers. They seem pretty smart, look wonderfully intimidating, are usually big softies, and after a nice thorough bath, they are pretty fuzzy too. My old Rott was a giant 155lbs throw pillow of love. He was so kind hearted he wouldn't even eat bugs. My 7year old niece could take him for walks an a leash and he was completely obedient to her. However, I have no doubt in my mind if any one in my family ever screamed out in fear, Hendrix would have mauled a thousand grizzly bears to protect them. He was an awesome dog,, terribly miscellaneous and destructive puppy, but an awesome dog..

RIP fatdog...

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I just got a knock on the door from the other neighbor who was robbed asking us to fill out a complaint form against the neighbor for the crazy traffic on the street from all the drug deals that are going down, she said 4 of the other neighbors already filled them out so maybe we can get them evicted cuz the whole street is fed up. It's not much but maybe it will work.

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What legal ground would the landlord have to evict them? Is there a clause in the lease that states they cannot have more than a set number of visitors?

I don't think you have as much power as you think you do.

Do you have any proof that he's dealing drugs? How much traffic is "crazy traffic"?

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Its not the landlord, its the housing association and its not the amount of visitors its the fact they are always blocking driveways and clogging up the street to the point people are being late to work, people will go over there and do drugs all day long and just leave there car parked mostly in the middle of the street because there are so many of them. Also at any point in time there are 2-4 "families" living there because they get kicked out and just move in with the druggies. I do not wanna sound like a hypocrite because I enjoy my fair share of herb so its not against them smoking, its the fact they are doing harder drugs all the time and attracting the worst kinds of people.

Edited by JStump
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Parking problems: Call the police. The should tow cars blocking driveways. Besides... How someone be held responsible for the actions of other grown adults who don't even live with him?

Again: Do you have any PROOF that he's selling drugs? You won't get anywhere without proof.

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actually, half of the cars belong to the "families" living there I mentioned in the last post I edited.

and no hard proof but when 30+ cars stop by there in a day, the kid walks out and hands stuff through the window in exchange for money and they leave all with in like 3 minutes they are definitely dealing. I had a couple friends who would go over there and smoke on occasion before it got to the point it is now and they have told me they definitely sell, it was just on a much smaller scale back then so it wasn't a problem.

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