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A lesson lived is a lesson learned


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Hey guys. Well This would have been posted earlier, but I hadn't for the purpose of some people finding out and worrying a whole lot about me and giving me grief about it. Here is a video of me on my 2009 CBR600rr going down for my first time ever. This was filmed on a GoPro HD helmet cam. This event took place RIGHT after we left this mexican bar I didn't know the name of because I don't speak Spanish. This coulda been a LOT worse, as the video and crash looks pretty damn brutal but I stood right up with no pain at all (prob. from the adrenaline) after I rolled about 5 times and my bike flipped end over end 3 times. I was wearing jeans, gloves (100% of the time), helmet (100% of the time), my everyday shoes and a t-shirt (<< my mistake and lesson learned). I found out that day, that it is NEVER too hot to wear a jacket and I've read plenty of threads about this topic plenty of times and seen plenty of people get hurt from not wearing protective gear, so I don't need to hear more grief. I realize it was stupid. I will ALWAYS wear my jacket from now on no matter what....AGATT! Anyways, going around a nice rounded turn I started taking the turn a little early and headed to the outside a little early and that lead me into a section where the road had about an 8ft F***ed up section that was about a 3" deep dip and by time I got out of it to where I could have corrected my direction, there was the perfect amount of gravel to send me flying off the road at about 12mph.................. :mad: I knew I was going down and instinctively, I looked for the softest possible landing for the best possible outcome possible and steered into the ditch/soy bean field next to me but I never made it to the bean field. The bike did though. I THOUGHT, that it was a pretty great landing and fall and that I just slid, then rolled and my bike slid into the field after it went down. After watching the video, THAT IS NOT THE CASE!! So like I had said, I got right up (very luckily) and had no pain and just some road rash on my arms, back, and shoulders and also lost my shoe :mad: . But thank god I had good people to come running to check me out, and I had GOD with me that day because with a crash like this, I should have been in a lot worse shape. Enough of the damn jibber jabber though...on with the video...:D


Edited by JJtheGUNMAN
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Brutal crash, man. Lucky you were tumbling in the ditch rather than slidign it out on the asphalt.

Now is not the time to be judgemental, as it is quite clear that the lesson has been learned.

Good to see you're ok. It's amazing how quick it all goes to sh!t, huh?

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Not to make light of things and glad to see you made it out in one piece. I ride that road all the time and from the looks of the spot you went down it is a notorious spot for all the locals guys. The road is always filled with stone in that corner due to the pair of driveways right there. From the direction you where coming from you also can't see it due to the rise in the road. And like you said, going wide doesn't help either due to the poor condition of the pavement. Headley's mill is rapidly turning into a speed limit only street due to the lack of maintenance by the local municipality. You have to also watch down at the other end by the golf course as there are some potholes forming that are big enough to cave in a rim on a bike.

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glad youre ok man! that road can really sneak up on you if you arent careful.....quite a nasty road for being less than a mile long..... glad you learned your gear lesson now instead of later down the road in a worse wreck...the grass saved your skin

goodluck replacing the bike and getting back out there

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Thanks everyone for letting me know you're glad I'm alright. I appreciate it a LOT!

Glad your ok. Thanks for sharing. Looked pretty wicked though

Yeah man...I honestly thought after I was done rolling and gettin the snot beat outta me, that it was a pretty successful crash and that my bike had slid into the field. When watching the video later that day with my buddy (CarWhore), as it was starting my heart was pounding and my palms were sweating and I was nervous as shit to watch the video...It did look pretty intense though. The video editing/slowing the crash down added to that :cool:

also glad your ok. just wondering how long have you been riding?

I have been riding for about 3 years on road now. I grew up on dirtbikes, and four wheelers though ever since I was a wee little gun man:rolleyes:

Dang! That looked bad! Glad you're alright. You sore?

I wasn't sore RIGHT after the crash...an hour later that road rash burned like hell. A day later (basically when I woke up in the morning).....I felt like I just got done fighting Kimbo Slice, hahaha.

It almost looks like I just go straight off the road and just didn't even take the time to steer back onto the road, but that's not the case. I felt my back tire sliding on some gravel and just knew it couldn't be done. It was all soo quick!

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