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Shotguns!!! any who knows anything in here..


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So I'm looking to buy my first shot gun.. going to be used for home defense and clay birds. I think I've narrowed it down to the Benelli Supernova, or possible just the Nova. but i keep getting the Remington 887 in the back of my head.

so lets hear it whats your personal choice and which of the three do you like best. good and bad about each or just to troll....:D

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Honestly, a bird/clay gun is not a home defense gun. With that said, I'd recommend getting an 870 with a 28" or 30" barrel for shooting birds/clays, then get another barrel (maybe 16" or 18") to keep on it for home defense. The barrels swap in less than a minute. I say a Remington over a Benelli for the same reason I made the decision, if a Benelli breaks odds are you shipping it overseas to get fixed or at least waiting some time to get the parts in. If a Remington breaks, you can take it damn near anywhere to get fixed or get parts.

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Im set on not getting a 870 because its a boring eveyone has one gun.. not that it won't be reliable but they just dont do anything for me.. I do understand that a home defense gun isn't a clay gun. I really Love the 887 tactical but wouldn't be ideal for clays. and since im more than likely going to be using it for that more than home defense im sticking with a long barrel instead of short till i can also have a short.. Thanks for your opinion though..

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Ive been out of guns for awhile but if i remember right that benelli has a larger price tag then the 887. Any shotgun can be used as home defense but if you want to get serious about it then get a gun with a short barrel. bird/clays your gonna want a longer barrel. I use to use just a youth model 870 for EVERYTHING. Its like any other hobby, just how serious do you want to get. If thats the case, then get a rem 887 home defense gun then buy a another gun for birds/clays. Alot of options out there with a huge price range from $1000 and up.

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well I was looking at spending under $500 so that hits both.. but a clay gun will be first IF two guns are involved and not just two barrels.. I also picked the super nova because its fully customizable..

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  gixxer_joe08 said:
Theres also a reason why everyone has an 870, cheap, reliable and TONS of upgrades

Totally agree the gun has been around for ever and you can get the home defense version with 7 shell cap. for 300.00 Can't go wrong for a first gun purchase

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I just sold off a Mossberg 590 for $250. It's a mil-spec shotgun with thicker barrel and a bayonet lug. It comes in both a metal or plastic trigger housing and has a heat shield. Funny thing though, every military shotgun i've seen is the standard Mossberg 500.

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  c7fx said:
Totally agree the gun has been around for ever and you can get the home defense version with 7 shell cap. for 300.00 Can't go wrong for a first gun purchase

And they are built like a tank. I have drug mine through some serious crap when hunting and it has yet to let me down. A good cleaning and its good as new.

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good choice not buying an 870...what a pile of shit mine was

go with the benelli - you wont regret it

the only downside to the benelli is in your case you want a HD gun and a field gun, if you get the benelli with the field barrel it will be a good clay gun but to buy a shorter barrel for HD is expensive...i wanna say the cost of a second barrel is right around $500 which is more than a second nova costs anyways

i went from an 870 to a nova and couldnt be happier with the decision....best money ever spent paying the difference between the two (my 870 was such a piece of shit after being repaired by remington *who took almost 3 months* it worked worse....returned it and paid the difference between the 870 and a nova)

my 28" barrel nova is sitting next to my bed - sure its not the greatest HD gun because of the barrel length, but im confident it would get the job done in a pinch

a second shotgun will come along eventually for a dedicated HD gun - it just wont be a remington

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They only problem i had with my 870 was when i was shooting clays i had to shoot high brass shells as it would jam up on occasion, but for the price i paid and using it as much as i did it served well for me. I personally think the 500 is junk but just my 2cents. You cant go wrong with a benelli

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yea its crazy


some of their guns cost upwards of $2000, the nova is their low end

when i go to buy a dedicated HD gun - i might look into a mossberg for cost reasons....but for hunting and clays, i wouldnt give up my nova.... ill never buy remjunk again though

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  dugan n rita said:
I shoot at least 400 or more a month and all I use is an 18 in 1300 pump, its all good. go with what you like and fits you. I also use it for sportin clays and skeet, and not to bad at those either.

What Kind of Gun do you shoot and how do you have it choked?

scratch that first part... winchester it is...

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I have a Nova 26" camo gun, a Nova home defense, and two 870 Wingmasters. Honestly, I reach for the Novas EVERY time..... clays, pheasant, turkey, deer, and bad guys. Both of my wingmasters are cracked through the handle.

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I have a home defense Rem 870, 18 inch barrel, 7 round. Had issues with it when i first got it.It would not extract the spent round.

I also have Rem 887, first round first fired, slide the forearm back to eject the spent round and could not get the forearm to slide forward. 2 calls to remington and 6 weeks to wait for parts and it is finally working.

I would go for an older used Rem 870, or the Beneli Nova.

I also looked at getting a Mossburg 500, but 2 of my friends already Rem 870's so i figured I could always borrow a barrel if i needed too.

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Saiga 12 Gas operated, magazine fed, semi-auto, 12 guage shotgun made my Izhmash (the Russian company that makes the true Russian AK's and all of the Russian Army's weapons). A true toy destruction as far clay pigeons go and great for home defense w.o. a doubt.





By the way, my avatar is of the same as my MD ARMS 20 round drum magazine made for the Saiga 12 but obviously x-rayed :D

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The 870 or 500/590. My duck hunting buddy shoots an 870 and me an 835 Mossberg Ulti Mag. Both have been covered in mud, iced up in freezing rain and never failed to fire. Kind of what you want for home defense. Never fails.

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